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Updated: August 10, 2024

But I canna think it an unlawfu' thing to pit a bit trick on sic a landlouping scoundrel, that just lives by tricking honester folk." "But what are we to do with this?" said Steenie, producing a pocket-book. "Od guide us, man," said Edie in great alarm, "what garr'd ye touch the gear? a very leaf o' that pocket-book wad be eneugh to hang us baith."

"Unlawfu'!" exclaimed her mistress; "the cause to which you are called by your lawful leddy and mistress by the command of the king by the writ of the privy council by the order of the lordlieutenant by the warrant of the sheriff?"

But I canna think it an unlawfu' thing to pit a bit trick on sic a landlouping scoundrel, that just lives by tricking honester folk." "But what are we to do with this?" said Steenie, producing a pocket-book. "Od guide us, man," said Edie in great alarm, "what garr'd ye touch the gear? a very leaf o' that pocket-book wad be eneugh to hang us baith."

"I dinna pretend to say that, my leddy, in regard o' your leddyship's conscience, which has been brought up, as it were, wi' prelatic principles; but ilka ane maun walk by the light o' their ain; and mine," said Mause, waxing bolder as the conference became animated, "tells me that I suld leave a' cot, kale-yard, and cow's grass and suffer a', rather than that I or mine should put on harness in an unlawfu' cause,"

Mair by token, kinswoman," he continued, in defiance of various intimations by which Dougal seemed to recommend silence, as well as of the marks of impatience which the Amazon evinced at his loquacity, "I wad hae ye to mind that the king's errand whiles comes in the cadger's gate, and that, for as high as ye may think o' the gudeman, as it's right every wife should honour her husband there's Scripture warrant for that yet as high as ye haud him, as I was saying, I hae been serviceable to Rob ere now; forbye a set o' pearlins I sent yourself when ye was gaun to be married, and when Rob was an honest weel-doing drover, and nane o' this unlawfu' wark, wi' fighting, and flashes, and fluff-gibs, disturbing the king's peace and disarming his soldiers."

"I dinna pretend to say that, my leddy, in regard o' your leddyship's conscience, which has been brought up, as it were, wi' prelatic principles; but ilka ane maun walk by the light o' their ain; and mine," said Mause, waxing bolder as the conference became animated, "tells me that I suld leave a' cot, kale-yard, and cow's grass and suffer a', rather than that I or mine should put on harness in an unlawfu' cause,"

Ye maun be verra carefu'! Ye mauna let his mon Cuthbert tak' onything in, until it ha'e passed muster under me ain twa een. And you, Donald, maun aye gang in wi' Cuthbert or ony ither, gentle or simple, wha gaes to see me laird, and bide in the cell wi' them to watch that the visitor gi'es naething unlawfu' or daungerous to the prisoner.

"Unlawfu'!" exclaimed her mistress; "the cause to which you are called by your lawful leddy and mistress by the command of the king by the writ of the privy council by the order of the lordlieutenant by the warrant of the sheriff?"

"I want to see what is in it; and I will," persisted Sybil. "Bring the tools when you come again, Pendleton, and we will open the door, and examine the vault," added Mr. Berners. "Ugh! you will find it full of coffins and skeletons "'And mair o' horrible and awfu' Whilk e'en to name wad be unlawfu'." "You are in a poetical mood, Pendleton." "And you are in a sepulchral one.

Mair by token, kinswoman," he continued, in defiance of various intimations by which Dougal seemed to recommend silence, as well as of the marks of impatience which the Amazon evinced at his loquacity, "I wad hae ye to mind that the king's errand whiles comes in the cadger's gate, and that, for as high as ye may think o' the gudeman, as it's right every wife should honour her husband there's Scripture warrant for that yet as high as ye haud him, as I was saying, I hae been serviceable to Rob ere now; forbye a set o' pearlins I sent yourself when ye was gaun to be married, and when Rob was an honest weel-doing drover, and nane o' this unlawfu' wark, wi' fighting, and flashes, and fluff-gibs, disturbing the king's peace and disarming his soldiers."

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