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Everything was aboard; the three boats were ready to leave; the two in front, one an old cross-Channel paddle boat, the other one of the later turbine class but still no sign of leaving. "What are we waiting for?" I asked a seaman near by. "We must wait until we get permission; the mist is very thick, sir going to be a cold journey." With that he left.

The water should come to the glands under a head of about 10 feet, or a pressure of about 5 pounds, and be connected in such a way that this pressure may be uninterruptedly maintained. Its temperature must be lower than the temperature due to the vacuum within the turbine, or it will evaporate readily and find its way into the turbine in the form of steam.

The turbine thrust-block, which maintains the spindle in correct position relatively to the spindle, may also be ground with advantage in a similar manner. Before a test the spindle should be turned slowly around, the feelers being kept in position. By this means any mechanical flaws or irregularities in the groove walls may be detected.

"Now I will throw in the electro-magnets and spread it; then switch in my intensifying condenser, and finally set the turbine fans to work, to throw air through the field. Then we shall see, we shall see!" Suiting the action to the words, he deftly touched here a button, there a lever; and all at once a shrill buzzing rose above the lower drone of the induction coils.

To do this, in the case of the turbine, it is necessary to bore holes in the cover leading to the various expansion chambers, and into each of these holes to screw a short length of steam pipe, having preferably a loop in its length, to the other end of which the gage is attached. The figure does not show the high-pressure steam pipe, nor any of the turbine valves.

Arnold, as soon as he had exchanged greetings with the Princess, now known simply as Anna Ornovski, and his other friends and acquaintances in the colony, not, of course, forgetting Louis Holt, at once shut himself up in his laboratory by the turbine, and for the next four hours remained invisible, preparing a large supply of his motor gases, and pumping them into the exhausted cylinders of the Ithuriel, and all the others that were available, by means of his hydraulic machinery.

"From Commander Fillmore, of the Arctic Shade and the Committee on Bulkheads and Dams, I have just received the following by cable telephone: 'The Arctic Ocean is now in condition to be pumped out in summer and to have its average depth increased one hundred feet by the dams in winter. We have already fifty million square yards of windmill turbine surface in position and ready to move.

There was some talk about turbine engines, direct application of steam, and the absence of pistons, rods, and cranks, all of which was beyond me, for I was familiar only with sailing craft; but I did understand the last words of the engineer. "Four thousand horse-power and forty-five miles an hour, though you wouldn't think it," he concluded proudly. "Say it again, man! Say it again!"

The rôle of the turbine torpedo-boat will be to "get home" with its weapon in the shortest practicable time. Hence its great value for the defence of harbours by striking at distances of perhaps two or three hours' steaming.

While the steam turbine is simple in design and construction and does not require constant tinkering and adjustment of valve gears or taking up of wear in the running parts, it is like any other piece of fine machinery in that it should receive intelligent and careful attention from the operator by inspection of the working parts that are not at all times in plain view.