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We jaws to the drab-engro ker, Trin horsworth there of drab we lels, And when to the swety back we wels We pens we'll drab the baulo, We'll have a drab at a baulo. And then we kairs the drab opre, And then we jaws to the farming ker, To mang a beti habben, A beti poggado habben.

In the meantime, we took in wood and water, and caught vast quantities of fish and sea-fowl, and procured immense numbers of eggs; so that our people, before almost famished, had now more provisions than they could eat. To this harbour, we gave the name of port Trin, and the point that stretched out into the sea was named Cape Trin.

So she del it a lester, an' he jalled avree for trin cooricus, an' he keravit apre, an' kaired it pauno sar rupp. Adovo he welled akovo drum pauli, an' jessed to the same ker, an' penned, "Dick acai at covi kushti kekavi! I del shove trin mushis for it, an' tu shall lel it for the same wongur, 'cause you've been so kushto a mandy."

Bacch. 24; Trin. 609; True. iii. 2, 23. Innocent jokes, such as Capt. 160, 881, of course passed uncensured. The compliment paid to Massilia in Cas. v. 4., i, deserves notice. Thus the prologue of the -Cistellaria- concludes with the following words, which may have a place here as the only contemporary mention of the Hannibalic war in the literature that has come down to us:

Contempt showed on his rugged features when he turned round again and addressed the stocky, little man sitting at his elbow. "Well, I don't dance with men for partners! When I shassay, Trin, I want a feminine piece of flesh an' blood" he sneered, and then went on to amplify "with garters on." "You bet!" agreed his faithful, if laconic pal, on feeling the other's playful dig in his ribs.

Cambray's assistance, and with some grinder and crammer, we might get you cleverly through all the college examinations. And doctor, if he did not, in going through some of the college courses, die of a logical indigestion, or a classical fever, or a metaphysical lethargy, he might shine in the dignity of Trin. Coll.

The Girl came down from her seat on the platform and went over to them. "Mistake," she repeated dreamily. "Oh, no, no, no, boys, there's no mistake about this. Oh, Trin!" she burst out tearfully, and two soft arms crept gently about his neck. "An' Sonora Ah, Sonora!" She raised herself on her tiny toes and kissed him on the left cheek. The next instant she was gone.

"Boys gatherin' for school," observed Trinidad, hurriedly opening the door; and while the men proceeded to flock in, he got into his jacket which lay on a chair beside the teacher's desk. "Here, Trin, here's the book!" cried out Happy Halliday; and the book, which was securely tied in a red cotton handkerchief, went flying through the air.

SAMUEL CHARLES WILKS, M.A. 2 Vols., 10s. 6d. SIR WILLIAM JONES was not only the most eminent linguist, but in many respects one of the most remarkable men, of the last century; and LORD TEIGNMOUTH'S Memoir of him has been justly accounted one of the most interesting, instructive, and entertaining pieces of modern biography. * LIVES OF BRITISH SACRED POETS. By R. A. WILLMOTT, Esq., Trin. Coll.

Then, the next who come by see the mark, and, if they choose, follow it." "We make it differently," said the Gipsy. "This is our sign the trin bongo drums, or cross." And he drew his patteran thus "The long end points the way," he added; "just as in your sign." "You call a cross," I remarked, "trin bongo drums, or the three crooked roads. Do you know any such word as trushul for it?"