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Hers the faithless traitoress, from whom he had looked for peace and joy, who had declared that she felt herself bound to him, the trickster in whom he had believed he saw Roxana But she was no more. On the table by his bed, among his own jewels, lay the golden serpent he had given her he fancied he could see it in the dark and she had worn it even in death.

"You will not condemn the noble Earl Surrey without having heard him; and if you find him guiltless, you will punish his accusers?" But this intercession of the queen made the king raging. He threw her hand from him, and gazed at her with looks of such flaming wrath, that she involuntarily trembled. "Traitoress yourself!" yelled he, wildly.

"I swore by the Lord who made me I would murder you if you ever came again to meet that man! False wife, accursed traitoress, meet your doom!" There was a wild shriek. In that fitful light she never doubted for a moment but that it was her husband. "Have mercy!" she cried. "I am innocent, Everard! Oh, for God's sake, do not murder me!" "Wretch traitoress die.

Or even if she never learned or guessed in life, after death she would learn and hunt me and spit on me from world to world as a traitoress and a murderer, one who has sinned past pardon." Here she seemed to grow faint and I turned to seek for help. But she caught hold of my coat and said "Hear me out, Macumazahn, or I will run after you till I fall and die."

Hers the faithless traitoress, from whom he had looked for peace and joy, who had declared that she felt herself bound to him, the trickster in whom he had believed he saw Roxana But she was no more. On the table by his bed, among his own jewels, lay the golden serpent he had given her he fancied he could see it in the dark and she had worn it even in death.

Once more a poisoned arrow had struck her. Till now she had been wicked only in her own eyes; now she was wicked in the eyes of another. Paula knew it was she who had betrayed her. The traitoress had been met by treachery. The woman she hated had a right to regard her as spiteful and malignant, and for this she hated her more than ever.

Instead of marrying the traitoress, he handed her over to an executioner, to receive the death that she had deserved, though scarcely at his hands. The confusion and troubles which afflicted the Roman Empire at this time were such as might well give him hopes of obtaining a decided advantage.

Mellen could see his wife's face plainly for she passed near him quite unconsciously. It was pale and wild with the fear of a hunted animal. "Traitoress!" he muttered between his teeth, "she thinks to evade me."

SOREL. Thou frighten'st me, I understand thee not, I ne'er have understood thee for from me Thy dark mysterious being still was veiled. Who may divine what thus disturbs thy heart, Thus terrifies thy pure and sacred soul! JOHANNA. Thou art the pure, the holy one! Couldst thou Behold mine inmost heart, thou, shuddering, Wouldst fly the traitoress, the enemy!

This stumbling-block lay at the very threshold of the matter; and Knox, in the text of the "First Blast," had set everybody the wrong example and gone to the ground himself. He finds occasion to regret "the blood of innocent Lady Jane Dudley." But Lady Jane Dudley, or Lady Jane Grey, as we call her, was a would-be traitoress and rebel against God, to use his own expressions.