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For the benefit of Sir Edwin and many other wealthy and cultured palace-car passengers who amuse themselves with theories; who infer that because human slavery is abolished in the Occident and the thrones of the Orient are beginning to totter before the might of democracy; because science is marching on to triumph after triumph, and no Spanish Inquisition or English Court of High Commission longer casts its upas-shadow athwart the hearts of men, the great world is "growing nobler and better," I hereby tender my services to pilot them through that Perdition which does not hover indeterminate in the inane limboes of dogmatic theology, but hath a well-defined latitude and longitude; is visual, tactual, in which untold millions of mankind writhe and shriek from the cradle to the grave!

Finally Bazaine was withdrawn from Mexico by order of the French Government. From that day the empire began to totter. Mexico was then able to maintain her independence without aid from us. France is the traditional ally and friend of the United States. I did not blame France for her part in the scheme to erect a monarchy upon the ruins of the Mexican Republic.

Though we totter on the edge of atomic destruction I have a strange feeling of optimism for the first time since I landed on this planet." The guard inside the front entrance of the Foundation building jumped at the thunderous noise and reached for his gun. He dropped his hand sheepishly when he realized it was only a sneeze though a gargantuan one.

I am sure they have let him overwork himself. If he is not fit to take Lady Tyrrell's funeral this afternoon, I shall send to Duddingstone on my own responsibility. I will not have Julius doing that!" "Do you think he is ill Bowater, I mean?" asked Terry. "I don't like it. He seemed to totter as he went across the churchyard, and he blundered. I shall go and see."

King Richard had a belfry, and the Count of Flanders could throw stones with his sling from the trenches into the market-place; at any rate he said he could, and they all believed him. The Christians caused the Accursed Tower to totter; they made a breach below the Tower of Flies, in a most horrible part of the haven.

For the moment it seemed to him that his whole system of education, which had worked so well hitherto, was beginning to totter, ready at any time, it might be, to fall into ruins, leaving him and his child vainly calling to each other across an ever-widening, impassable gulf.

I seized her by the arm, the suddenness of the movement made her drop her staff and flowers, which fell into the depths of the chasm. "I tried to lead her away, but after she had taken a few steps, I felt her totter; she had grown pale; her eyes were closed.

She trembled, she could scarce totter, but neither consented nor refused, neither shed a tear, nor spoke a word, and her countenance presented a picture of affright, amazement, and horror. "I took her to a house in the country, each of us silent the whole way. I gave her an apartment and a female attendant, and ordered for her every convenience I could suggest.

To his rage and his terror, he sees Beck painfully dismount from his horse, sees him totter to the door of the chaise, sees a servant leap from the box and help him up the step, sees him enter. It must be Percival on his return, Percival, to whom he tells that story of horror! Varney's brute-like courage forsook him; his heart was appalled.

While these feelings were spreading among the people the influence of the minister at the court of the regent began to totter.