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The air was very quiet, disturbed by no sound but the swirl of the deep river against the stone piers of the bridge far down below the student's window. There was something melancholy in the ceaseless rush of the strong water, which reminded him of the sighing of the trees at home, on that last morning when he had sat with Hilda at the foot of the Hunger- Thurm.

I mean a Swiss of the name of Leonhard Turnhäuser zum Thurm, who lived at the court of the Elector Johann Georg, about the year 1582. In those days, as you know, every chemist was supposed to be an alchemist, and every astronomer was called an astrologer; so Turnhäuser was very probably both.

At Orlat I found a small inn, but they had no travellers' room in it; however some of the family were good enough to turn out, and I was very glad to turn in, and that rather early. Herrmannstadt Saxon immigrants Museum Places of interest in the neighbourhood The fortress-churches Heltau The Rothen Thurm Pass Turkish incursions.

The trench has been long since filled in, but the huge round tower which guarded the gate still remains and is the Vestner Thurm. It was built in the days of early Gothic, with a sloping base, and of roughly flattened stones with a smooth edge. It was partly restored and altered in 1561, when it was made a few feet higher and its round roof was added.

London at this time of the year is wonderful. Besides, I have promised the Princess of Thurm that I will go to Ascot with her. Why should we talk of serious things any longer? Let us have a little rest. Let us promenade there with those other people, and listen to the band, and have some tea afterwards."

Anna was seated, a few days later, with her dearest friend, the Princess of Thurm, in a corner of the royal enclosure at Ascot. For the first time since their arrival they found themselves alone. From underneath her parasol the Princess looked at her friend curiously. "Anna," she said, "something has happened to you." "Perhaps, but explain yourself," Anna replied composedly. "It is so simple.

"Gutsho, alanna? thurm pogue? come here, child, and kiss me," said Owen to his little namesake; "an' sure I can't forget the little woman here; gutsho, a colleen, and kiss: me too." Owen took her on his knee, and kissed her twice. "Och, but poor Kathleen," said he, "will be the proud woman of this, when she hears it; in throth she will be that." "Arrah! what's comin' over me!" said Mrs. Farrell.

"You see plenty of the Princess of Thurm and nothing of me, and there is always the chance that you may have to go abroad. I think that it is your duty " "As a matter of duty," Anna interrupted, "I ought to dine at Thurm House. As a matter of pleasure, I shall dine with you. You will very likely not enjoy yourself. I am going to be very cross indeed. You have neglected me shamefully.

I am looking well tonight. I can afford to wear black." Marie beamed. "Madame has recovered her spirits," she remarked demurely. Anna was suddenly silent. Her light-heartedness was a revelation. She turned to her maid. "Marie," she directed, "you will telephone to Thurm House. You will ask for Lucille, the Princess's maid. You will give my love to the Princess.