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Goldsmith was the authour of An Enquiry into the present State of polite Learning in Europe, and of The Citizen of the World, a series of letters supposed to be written from London by a Chinese. No man had the art of displaying with more advantage as a writer, whatever literary acquisitions he made. 'Nihil quod tetigit non ornavit. His mind resembled a fertile, but thin soil.

"The old woman hath touched it again," said the pedagogue; "REM ACU TETIGIT she hath pricked it with her needle's point. This Wayland takes no money, indeed; nor doth he show himself to any one." "And can this madman, for such I hold him," said the traveller, "know aught like good skill of his trade?"

Eames was wont to say, NIHIL QUOD TETIGIT NON ORNAVIT. He took a fancy to this quaint old citadel which, before his day, could only be reached b a rough mule-track easily defended against invaders. After constructing a fine road of access with many twists and turnings, wide enough to admit the passage of two of his roomy state carriages driving abreast, he turned his mind to other improvements.

Sadly shaking his head, he would say to himself: "NIHIL QUOD TETIGIT NON INQUINAVIT." Mr. Keith was apt to be a bore, but he could do things properly when he wanted, as for example on the occasion of his annual bean-feast. There were no two opinions about that.

"Rem a cue tetigit." "Go to the head of the Class, Josselyn," said the venerable Patriarch. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class. "How is this?" said the Patriarch. "You told me to go up jostlin'," he replied. The old gentlemen who had been shoved about enjoyed the Pun too much to be angry.

Painful pre-eminence! he hears, 'tis true, Fox, North, and Burke, but hears Sir Joseph too. "Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit." In a note he adds: 'Professor Conington calls my attention to the fact that, if this were a genuine classical expression, it would be ornaret.

"Rem a cue tetigit." "Go to the head of the class, Josselyn," said the venerable patriarch. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class. "How is this?" said the Patriarch. "You told me to go up jostlin'," he replied. The old gentlemen who had been shoved about enjoyed the pun too much to be angry.

'Admirable! he exclaimed. 'Couldn't be better. Nihil quod tetigit non ornavit. 'And pray what does that mean? asked Alma, her countenance a trifle perturbed by the emotions which blended with her delight in praise. 'That my wife is the most graceful of women, and imparts to all she touches something of her own charm. 'All that? 'Latin, you must know, is the language of compression.

Johnson's settled opinion in fact was that embodied in the famous epitaph with its "nihil tetigit quod non ornavit," and, though dedications are perhaps the only literary product more generally insincere than epitaphs, we may believe that Goldsmith too meant what he said in the dedication of She Stoops to Conquer.

It was a benignant religion, uniting old times and new, men living and men long dead and gone, in a kind of service and sacrifice solemn yet familiar. Te nihil attinet Tentare multa caede bidentium Parvos coronantem marino Rore deos fragilique myrto. Immunis aram si tetigit manus, Non sumptuosa blandior hostia Mollivit aversos Penates Farre pio et salienta mica.