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"An' Peyton Winburn swars ter dat?" asked the woman, eagerly. "Yes, certainly." "Didn't I tell yer dat Nimbus was safe, Miss Mollie?" she cried, springing from her chair. "Don't yer see how dey cotch derselves? Ef der's ennybody on de green yairth dat knows all 'bout dis Ku Kluckin' it's Peyton Winburn, and dat ar Sheriff Gleason.

Jacobs, and requested him to ascertain when a steamboat would go to New Orleans. Flora kissed her hand, with a glance full of gratitude. Tom looked at her in a very earnest, embarrassed way, and said: "Missis, am yer one ob dem Ab-lish-nishts dar in de Norf, dat Massa swars 'bout?" Mrs.

His back's up agin, the Lord knows why, an' he's gone an' moved his pasture fence so as to take in yo' old field that lies beside it. He swars it's his, too, but Tom's ready to match him with a bigger oath that it's yours an' always has been." "Of course it's mine," said Christopher coolly. "The meadow brook marks the boundary, and the field is on this side.

But ye needn't be afeard, honey; he's a good Lord, and lubs us all; and ef ye tries to be good, and 'beys missus, and neber lies, nor steals, nor swars, he'll be a good friend to ye. He'll make de sun to shine on yer, and de rain to fall; and when ye dies, he'll take yer right up dar, to lib wid him allus. There now, jest hark, dat's old Si comin' up de lane.

The idea crossed Levin's mind that the scullion of Patty Cannon must have gone crazy. "Whair did you pick up them words, Cy?" Levin asked. "Hokey-pokey!" answered Cy James, with a more mysterious and impressive sufflation; "Hokey-pokey! By smoke! and Pangymonum, too!" "Why, Cy! what do you mean? Jimmy Phoebus never swars but in them air words. Do you know Jimmy Phoebus?"

As Checkers drove home the following evening, he was met by Tobe, the hired man, about a mile from the house. "Hello, Tobe," he called, "what's up?" "Thar's hell out, Mr. Checkers," said Tobe. "Has old Barlow been up here? "He ain't gone two hours." Checkers smiled. He was glad to know the worst. "I suppose I 'm not very popular with Arthur?" "He swars he 'll fill ye full o' lead.