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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Thank God, little Davy! the varmints didn't get ye." "And you, Tom?" I answered, looking up at him, bewildered with happiness. "They was nearer than I suspicioned when I went off," he said, and looked at me curiously. "Drat the little deevil," he said affectionately, and his voice trembled, "he took care of Polly Ann, I'll warrant."

"I'd like to go upstairs with you when you get your boquet tied up," he said, "because it's an awful hot day, an' the queer kind o' things you do 't this house allers makes my backbone cold! I never suspicioned that Lena Hamilton hed the same kind o' fantasmic notions that you folks have, but I guess it's like tenant, like landlord, in this case!

"But, I I think you must be mistaken again," faltered the girl, growing rosy. "I ain't. I've always suspicioned it, an' now I know it." "But, he he's acted as if he didn't care for me at all as if he hated me." "That's because he cared so much." "Nonsense, Susan!" "'T ain't nonsense. It's sense. As I told you, I've always suspicioned it, an' last Saturday, when I heard him talk, I knew.

I can't know, but I think Bill must have larned or suspicioned that the Sioux warn't fur off and he set out to hunt him up. Anyway they managed to come together, and the job was fixed up atween 'em. Howsumever," said the guide, "there ain't no use of talking and guessing over what has been, but we must face what is.

She's as nice and common a young lady as I ever see, and I don't believe she had a thing to do with it. But I suspicioned they was up to somethin' when she brought them baskets. And when she give me the message from old Flint, I was sure of it." "Miss Flint was entirely innocent, I'm sure," said Austen, emphatically.

I had had time to think, swiftly to be sure, yet clearly enough. Surprised as I was by her statement, yet the truth as thus revealed failed to startle me seriously. Vaguely I had suspicioned the possibility before, not really believing it could be so, and yet struck by the similarity in circumstances of the two women.

I suspicioned somethin' right then; says I to myself, 'he's got a handsome face but his mind is a well of corruption. And when I heard he'd shot Sheeley ...Now what in thunder is the matter with you, Chick?" During this recital Chick had been sitting in the doorway, his knees drawn up to his chin, listening intently, but at this point he cried out in a sputter of protesting sounds.

His thoughts were away on the embankment, and they meditated evil for Dearsley. Mulvaney continued 'Whin I was full awake the palanquin was set down in a street, I suspicioned, for I cud hear people passin' an' talkin'. But I knew well I was far from home. There is a queer smell upon our cantonments a smell av dried earth and brick-kilns wid whiffs av cavalry stable- litter.

"Well," says I, "I know that, Mitch, leastways I suspicioned it or somethin' like it, from the way you always treated Zueline, but tell me what in the world has happened." "The worst has happened," says Mitch. "They've taken her away from me." "How do you mean?" says I. "Well," says Mitch, "the day before I came out to the farm to get you, Mrs. Hasson came over to see ma.

"''Tain't the Scripture I'm doubtin', says Ma, 'it's you. "'That isn't as bad, he says, smilin', but I could see he was scared. You know how Ma is especially when you ain't used to her. "'I'd like to ask, says Ma, 'whether you believe that unbaptised infants is goin' to be saved. "'Why, yes, he says. 'I do, "'I suspicioned it, Ma says. Oh, her voice was awful!

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