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Such was the opinion of some of the ancient sun-worshippers, whose adorations were always performed in the open air, because they thought no temple was spacious enough to contain the sun; and hence the saying, "Mundus universus est templum solis" the universe is the temple of the sun. Like our ancient brethren, they worshipped only on the highest hills. Another analogy.

His translations have shown the scientific world that the originals of the Zend-Avesta, the sacred scriptures of the sun-worshippers, of Tripitaka, that of the Buddhists, and of Aytareya-Brahmanam, that of the Brahmans, were written in one and the same Sanskrit language; that all these three languages Zend, Nepalese, and the modern Brahman Sanskrit are more or less dialects of the first; that old Sanskrit is the origin of all the less ancient Indo-European languages, as well as of the modern European tongues and dialects; that the three chief religions of heathendom Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Brahmanism are mere heresies of the monotheistic teachings of the Vedas, which does not prevent them from being real ancient religions and not modern falsifications.

Also he shaped other things, for his skill as a goldsmith was wonderful, such as cups and platters of strange design and rich ornamentation which commanded a great price. But on every one of them, in the centre or some other part of the embossment, appeared this image of the sun. I asked him why. He answered because the sun was his god and his people were Sun-worshippers.

No man speaks without first standing up, and his delivery is always slow and in short, clear sentences. Once when questioning Oo-koo-hoo regarding old Indian customs, he informed me that among Indians bowing was a very recent innovation, and that the men of the olden time the fire-worshippers or sun-worshippers never deigned to bow to one another: they bowed to none but the Deity.

"How are you getting on with your medical studies? Never forget, my boy, that your father's son has every claim upon me, and that if I can serve you in any way I am always at your command. Ever affectionately yours, "P.S. By the way, Northcott did not fall in action. He was killed after peace was declared in a crazy attempt to get some of the eternal fire from the sun-worshippers' temple.

My stay with the sun-worshippers, though interesting, was painful. Excepting when we cooked our own food, I almost starved. Their habits are extremely filthy, indeed more loathsome and disgusting than I dare relate. My horses were by now refreshed with their rest, and appeared able for the return journey, so I determined to start back to civilization.

"Strange!" he said, placing his hand on his companion's shoulder. "Your race are not sun-worshippers. Never, except on this day of the year, do they show this feeling; but who that saw them to-day would doubt that they are so!