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"No," admitted Anstey. "Can you keep a secret? "Yes, suh; suhtinly." "Then come here at 8.15 to-night." "What are you talking " "I'm not talking, now," retorted Greg with a resolute tone in his voice. "Like a wise man, I'm going to do some thinking first. But you call around this evening. It'll be worth your while." Anstey looked and felt highly mystified.

"Miss Meade suhtinly doesn't need spectacles," murmured Anstey. "She can see straight!" "So," continued Greg, "I'm going to drag Laura tonight, and Anstey is going to do the same for Belle." "And we'll suhtinly see to it that they have, outside of ourselves, of course, the handsomest men in the corps to dance with!" exclaimed Anstey.

And I was favored with a blood-curdling leer from across the camp, of which I had put as much as possible between myself and the object of my dread. But now, like a huge black Ganymede, appeared Cookie, bearing cups and a large stone crock. "It suhtinly am a fact, Mistah Chris, sah," said Cookie, "dat dey is a mighty unspirituous fluidity 'bout dis yere spring watah.

It ran: "Dear Dick: What stupid ideas they have of comedy here at West Point!" And, as Belle knew that she wasn't and couldn't be Dick's sweetheart, she had not hesitated to sign herself, "Lovingly, Belle." Dick passed each note in turn to Anstey. "Your town suhtinly raises real girls!" was the southerner's quiet comment. Dick felt like a new being.

"Young lady li'l late this mawnin', seems like," remarked the Judge. "Oh, yes, but she'll be 'long direckly, I reckon," replied the doctor. "You know how 'bout these young folks. They don't always realize the impohtance o' pressin' business mattehs. But we must fo'give heh. Judge, we must fo'give heh, foh she suhtinly is well wo'th waitin' foh; yes indeed."

Cookie retired with his tray in his most impressive cake-walk fashion, and in passing announced to Captain Magnus that "Miss Jinny say she mos' suhtinly am obligated to de gennelmun to' de refreshment of dis yere acidulous beverage." Which bare-faced mendacity provoked a loud roar of amusement from the sentinels, who were still sampling the cooling contents of the stone crock.

Now, in that room I hope to find evidence which will prove that Dodge is not fit to be a member the corps of United States Military Academy cadets. Will you come with me and look for the proof?" "I suhtinly will, suh," replied the Virginian promptly. "If Anstey will go on a job like that," muttered Dunstan, "then I guess it's a proper undertaking for gentlemen."