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The sugar-bowl, containing brown sugar, was passed around, that each one might sweeten his coffee according to his taste; then the cream-pitcher, full of rich cream. Mr. Sapp drank three cups of coffee, and ate in proportion, and frequently passed the meat and bread to Elvira, hospitably urging her to eat more. After supper, Mrs. Sapp invited Elvira to come out and see her little chickens.

The council meeting will be nothing to this." "But what have we done?" John, still standing, put one, two, three lumps of sugar in his tea. "I thought you were having a fit, and convulsions were going to follow. You scared me silly. What's the fuss about?" She leaned forward dejectedly, elbows on the table, then put her hand over the sugar-bowl. "You can't have four lumps!

"How much sugar, patient?" Billy Louise turned toward him with the tomato-can sugar-bowl in her hands. "None. I want to taste the coffee, this trip." "Oh, all right! It's the worst thing you could think of, but that's the way with a patient. Patients always want what they mustn't have." "Sure get it, too." Ward spoke between long, satisfying gulps. "How's your other patient, Wilhemina?

Another bird we met is in some places far more intimate, and domesticates itself. This is the pretty little honey-creeper. In Colombia Miller found the honey-creepers habitually coming inside the houses and hotels at meal-times, hopping about the table, and climbing into the sugar-bowl.

But she remembered the silver service, the coffee-pot, the tea-pot, the tray for spoons, the creamer, the hot-water kettle, the sugar-bowl, all on a rich salver, splendid, dazzling; what rank ingratitude it would be to oppose her generous brother!

While taking tea one evening with a prominent family of the province, he happened to make use of his thumb and fore-finger in helping himself to a lump of sugar. The mistress of the house immediately sent out the servant, who reappeared after a short time with another sugar-bowl, filled with fresh lumps.

"I think everything bewitched you," said Fleda, smiling. "Can't your head stand a sugar-dish and milk-cup?" "My dear Fleda, I never had your superiority to the ordinary weaknesses of human nature I can stand one sugar-bowl, but I confess myself overcome by a dozen. How we have all wanted to see you, Fleda! and papa you have captivated papa! and he says "

She soon returned bringing with steady hand the salver with the tea, sugar-bowl, and pitcher of cream. "Shall I serve you with the sugar and cream, Mr. Walden?" He could but notice the graceful movement of her deft fingers as she picked the sugar from the bowl with the silver tongs, and poured the cream.

There was a silence of several minutes Willie alone manifesting a desire to keep up the conversation on war matters. He stuck his johnny-cake on the end of his gun, and bombarded his mother's coffee-cup with it; and was about to procure more johnny-cake, in order to shell the sugar-bowl, which he called "Fort Sumter," when Helen put an end to his sport by disarming him.

His wants were carefully attended to; his meals were well cooked and served, and everything was bright and clean. And more than all, Josephine had been there, with her cheerful smile and companionable ways. Well, it was all ended now. Josephine sat at the breakfast table long after David had gone out. She scowled at the sugar-bowl and shook her head savagely at the tea-pot.