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The hog-feeder listened, but was unmoved: he obstinately declined to accept his freedom, his plea being that "the varments" would "'stroy up his creeturs" if he were not there to look after them. "De black sow, she got a fine litter o' pigs now, an' de foxes is a'ter 'em de blessed time." After this no more could be urged, and Jerry, scraping his foot, went out with a mind full of content.

But Diabolus and his outlandish men were not at peace in Mansoul; for they were not there entertained as were the captains and forces of Emmanuel: the townsmen did browbeat them what they could; nor did they partake or make stroy of any of the necessaries of Mansoul, but that which they seized on against the townsmen's will: what they could, they hid from them, and what they could not, they had with an ill-will.

She gwine be out in de low groun's befo' mornin', bless de Lord; I's been 'spectin' she gwine play dis trick eber since de win' set like et did." Then, looking at the field of standing corn upon the further shore, protected by a low levee, and seeming to be upon a lower level than the red waters of the flood, he soliloquized: "I's skeared de fresh gwine 'stroy a sight o' Mars Jones's corn.

The servant girl, breathless and panting, stood close behind her master. Early in the day though it was, the old man's speech was thick and confused, as he addressed himself fiercely to Mrs. Plowson. "You're a prett' creature to call yoursel' sensible woman?" he said. "Why don't you take th' chile 'way, er wash 's face? D'yer want to ruin me? D'yer want to 'stroy me? Take th' chile 'way! Mr.

His drooning, voodoo voice rang through the woods in weird echoes: "Oh, my men! Dis here's gwine ter be er great fight. De greatest fight in all de war. We gwine ter take ole Petersburg dis day. De day er Juberlee is come. Yes, Lawd! An' den we take Richmon', 'stroy Lee's army an' en' dis war.

"Madam," he began, in the reassuring tones that had so often allayed anxiety, "there is a probability " As he slowly turned his head to face the lady, he saw her fall, white and swooning, into the arms of the old negress. "Po' lamb! po' lamb! Has dey done killed Aunt Cindy's own blessed child? May de Lawd' stroy wid his wrath dem what stole her away; what break dat angel heart; what left "

'I hear tell you gwine ter sen' me ter 'struckshun, en nab my fambly, en 'stroy my shanty, sezee. "'Den Brer Fox he git mighty mad. 'Who bin tellin' you all dis? sezee. "Brer Rabbit make like he didn't want ter tell, but Brer Fox he 'sist en 'sist, twel at las' Brer Rabbit he up en tell Brer Fox dat he hear Jack Sparrer say all dis.