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Finally, with what he fancied was a shout for assistance, but it was, in reality, only a weak whisper, Jim lost consciousness altogether, and rolled from his couch on to the floor, where he lay like a log, breathing stertorously.

He went indignantly into the yacht's central saloon and found his seven crew-members snoring stertorously, sprawled in stray places here and there. He woke them with great sternness.

He lay limp as a sodden moccasin, and breathed stertorously. Racey knelt at his side and laid his hand on the top of the man's head. The palm came away warmly wet. Racey replaced his gun in its holster and pulled the senseless one out on the barn floor near the doorway where he could see him better. The man was Luke Tweezy. Racey sat down and began to pull on his boots.

Standing on the weather-boarding, Kit peeped in. A little fat man was sitting at a table, dead asleep, and snoring stertorously. His arms were on the table, and his head on his arms. He was quite bald, and very red. His lips pouted, and the under one thrust up towards his nose. The little round body rose and fell, bladder-like. His nose was a snout, short and cocked.

Cowperwood, always the man of action as opposed to nervous cogitation, braced up on the instant like taut wire. What, for heaven's sake, could that be? What a terrible cry! Sohlberg the artist, responding like a chameleon to the various emotional complexions of life, began to breathe stertorously, to blanch, to lose control of himself. "My God!" he exclaimed, throwing up his hands, "that's Rita!

The patient was now breathing stertorously and it was easy to see that he had suffered some terrible injury. Van Helsing returned with extraordinary celerity, bearing with him a surgical case. He had evidently been thinking and had his mind made up, for almost before he looked at the patient, he whispered to me, "Send the attendant away.

"Well, he's gone now," returned the Doctor, "and there is nothing for us to do but wait." "I hope he finds that girl," sighed the Very Young Man, as he sat chin in hand beside the handkerchief. The Banker snored stertorously from his mattress in a corner of the room. In an easy-chair near by, with his feet on the table, lay the Very Young Man, sleeping also.

Marrapit was himself abed of the chill that Margaret had mentioned in her note to Bill. But the review was not therefore foregone. Upon his back, night-capped head on pillow propped, he lay as the minute-hand of his clock ticked towards ten. His brow ruffled against a sound without his door. He called: "Mrs. Armitage!" "Sir?" spoke Mrs. Armitage through the oak. "Breathe less stertorously." Mrs.

"A friend of years ago. I knew Mr. Law when he lived in England." "I perceive. Perhaps Madame would be alone for a time? If you please, I will seek aid." They approached the side of the couch. Law's head lay back upon the cushions. His breath came deeply and slowly, not stertorously nor labored. "How strange," whispered the Swiss, "he sleeps!" Such was indeed the truth.

Now he recalled that when he lay down to sleep the two offenders had been snoring stertorously, and it was evident that they were helplessly stupefied when the Indians came, and were taken. But Joses? Of course he was at his post, and the question now was, would he remain undiscovered, or would the Indians find the hiding-place of the horses, and after killing Joses sweep them all away?