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In stenography, however, the art of lock-picking always keeps ahead of the art of locking, as that of inventing destructive missiles seems to outstrip that of forging impenetrable plates. Wodrow's trick was the same as that of Samuel Pepys, and productive of the same consequences the excitement of a rabid curiosity, which at last found its way into the recesses of his secret communings.

"In this institution the women are to be instructed in bookkeeping, stenography, telegraphing, photographing, drawing, modeling, and various other arts; but, so far as I remember, there is no proposal to teach domestic economy as at least one of woman's professions. "Why should there not be a professor of domestic economy in every large female school?

Raymond had been as a young man a reporter in the United States Senate. He told me that, while at that time there was no system of shorthand or stenography, he had devised a crude one for himself, by which he could take down accurately any address of a deliberate speaker. Daniel Webster, the most famous orator our country has ever produced, was very deliberate in his utterances.

Dunstan's, he said, there were about three hundred men, all more or less sightless, making baskets, mats, hammocks, nets, bags, and dozens of other useful articles, mending boots, doing carpentry, learning the poultry business, fitting themselves for massage work, and, what seemed to me most incredible, taking up stenography as an occupation.

I this evening boasted, that although I did not write what is called stenography, or short-hand, in appropriated characters devised for the purpose, I had a method of my own of writing half words, and leaving out some altogether so as yet to keep the substance and language of any discourse which I had heard so much in view, that I could give it very completely soon after I had taken it down.

Biddle thinks, has her own peculiar sphere, which, as the latest Census figures show, includes the nursery, the kitchen, the vaudeville stage, college teaching, stenography, the law, medicine, the ministry, as well as the manufacture of agricultural implements, ammunition, artificial feathers and limbs, automobiles, axle-grease, boots and shoes, bread-knives, brooms, brushes, buttons, carriages and wagons, charcoal, cheese, cigars, clocks, clothing and so on to x, y, and z.

"I type letters," she answered, and rose to make him a little bow that held the movement and the suggestion of a dancer. "You've learned stenography?" he asked, in surprise. "I'm learning shorthand," replied Lorna. "You see I had only a few weeks in business school before Dick got me the job." "Dick Swann? Do you work for him?" "No. For the superintendent, Mr. Fryer.

Kaufman, it's the same, right away if I get too easy with " "But, Mr. Vetsburg, a poor woman can't afford to be so independent. I got big expenses and big rent; I got a daughter to raise " "Mama, haven't I begged you a hundred times to let me take up stenography and get out and hustle so you can take it easy haven't I?" A thick coating of tears sprang to Mrs.

"Did you know that your mother and I were children together?" he asked. "No!" She stared. "Is that why you sent for me that day at the school of stenography?" "That is why . . . When I learned that my playmate your mother was dead, is it not reasonable to suppose that I should wish her daughter to have a chance?" Miss Southerland looked at him steadily.

That loyalty made her study real estate, not merely stenography; for to most stenographers their work is the same whether they take dictation regarding real estate, or book-publishing, or felt slippers, or the removal of taconite. They understand transcription, but not what they transcribe. She got ideas for houses from architectural magazines, garden magazines, women's magazines.