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If Judas the traitor, or Francis Spira the backslider, were alive, to whisper these men in the ear a little, and to tell them what it hath cost their souls for turning back, it would surely stick by them as long as they have a day to live in the world. Agrippa gave a fair step on a sudden; he stepped almost into the bosom of Christ in less than half an hour.

"Since life is frail, and it may please Almighty God to dispose of me otherwise in this my journey to France, it is requested of Signor Ercole Rondinelli that he will, in that case, undertake the management of the following concerns: "In the first place, with regard to my compositions, it is my wish that all my love-sonnets and madrigals should be collected and published; but with regard to those, whether amatory or otherwise, which I have written for any friend, my request is, that they should be buried with myself, save only the one commencing "Or che l'aura mia dolce altrove spira."

Francis Spira, in 1548, being a lawyer in great repute in Italy, professed gospel principles, but afterwards relapsed into Popery, and became a victim of black despair. The man in the iron cage, at the Interpreter's house, probably referred to Spira. The narrative of his fearful state is preceded by a poem: 'Here see a soul that's all despair, a man All hell, a spirit all wounds.

I scarcely need to tell you how it has pleased Heaven to prosper your uncle's and his joint exertions since that time, and how a few months ago your uncle became a partner in that house and we returned to live in dear old England. Basil and Spira are still alive.

And when our spirits are wounded with our sins, as the spirits of all God's great saints have always been wounded, we too shall feel ourselves more at home with David and with Asaph, with Spira even, and with Bunyan. Despair is not good, but it is infinitely better than indifference.

The Bishop is mad about it, and Basil and all the picked men are flocking to him. The Pasha himself is at Lessandro," added Spira, "may a bullet from our Vladika's rifle whiz through his brain shortly! But what ails your Excellency? you shiver like our silver aspen leaves."

Testa obtecte perforata, lenticulari-depressa, orbicularis, carinata, crassiuscula, superne fulva, radiato-striata, minutissime granulata, carina acuta, superne subcrenulata, basi convexa, nitidissima, griseo-albida, radiatim substriata ad umbilicum declivens; spira convexiuscula; anfractus 5, planulati; apertura angulato-lunaris, intus margaritacea; peristoma simplex, basi incrassatum, ad columellam expansiusculum.

For a man the risk is a trifle, not worth thinking twice about; but for a woman! Good heavens! that's quite another thing." He paused, then added, "The sum of all this is, that I want you to turn back with Spira, and stay at the next hamlet till this alarm is over. Basil will guide me back to Laurie, and we will cheer him with the hope of your coming.

Testa imperforata, globoso-turbinata, solidiuscula, sub lente rugosa, albida, fasciis variis purpureo-fuscis ornata; spira conoidea, rubescens; anfrac. 5 convexiusculi, ultimus magnus, paululum deflexus; apertura ovata, intus nitide livida, peristoma expansum, reflexum, sordide violaceum, margine externo sinuato, columellari incrassato, dilatato, subsulcato. Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 20, mill.

You will smile, children, when you hear that I found squatting round the hearth a great-grandfather of a hundred years old, and a grandfather of eighty-two; her mother, a handsome woman with scarlet vest and girdle encrusted with cornelians was there also, and these, with Spira and her boy, made up five generations. Such patriarchal families, they say, are not uncommon on the Black Mountain.