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Updated: August 8, 2024

He raised his voice when uttering the last words, as if asking a question; so, the coastguardsman answered it at once. "That it do, sir," he said with decision; "and, if the wind freshen more, as is more'n likely, considerin' it's been backin' all the mornin', I 'spects it'll be pretty rough by night-time!" "Ah, well, so I think, too, Hellyer.

Suddenly a small shadow came from behind us and stood between us, and the voice of Budge remarked: "Uncle Harry 'spects you, Miss Mayton." "Suspects me? of what, pray?" exclaimed the lady, patting my nephew's cheek. "Budge!" said I I feel that my voice rose nearly to a scream "Budge, I must beg of you to respect the sanctity of confidential communications."

She went on muttering some more of the Bible texts she always called on in any perplexity, until a new idea flashed to her from some uncovered ember, and she turned quickly, laughing in a low, shrill way, "He! he! he! woy'se ole Juno afeer'd? He! he! he! 'spects it on'y debbil dat has tole lies to dis poor ole nigger when she's 'sleep."

"Out o' doors, I see by her little foot-prints a-leading away from de door; dough I 'spects dey's filled up by dis time. I was jes' agwine out to look for her." "Oh, bless you, Jovial!" "Which way do you think she went, Miss Hannah?" "Home again, I suppose, poor child." "It's a wonder you hadn't met her."

'Spects de ole house git cole an dull to yous now; 'spects de yun Massas want git home?" "Well, no, Clump," answered Drake; "I don't want to go away that is, we would not want to go if if if we had not been somewhat frightened this evening."

Instead of going to headquarters, they would generally go directly to the company quarters, where the boys would heartily welcome them. To the question, "well boy, do you want to be made a Yankee?" They would say "yes massa, I spects I does." A good strong blanket would be brought out and six stalwart fellows would hold it on either side and the candidate would be gently placed upon it.

"I don't want ter fight," replied Clo, "'taint my way only I knows my persition and I 'spects ter be treated 'cording." The handkerchief was something Clo had coveted for a long time, and the gift quite restored her good-humor. "Dat's as it orter be," said 'Dolf.

"Oh, I wants t' go all right 'nuff, Mistah Sharp," was Eradicate's prompt answer. "Yo' all knows I'd do anyt'ing t' 'blige yo' or Mistah Swift. But hits dish yeah mule, Boomerang. I jest done promised him dat we were gwine home t' dinnah, an' he 'spects a manger full ob oats.

"Dunno, Missis, I spects cause I 's so wicked!" "I don't know anything what I shall do with you, Topsy." "Law, Missis, you must whip me; my old Missis allers whipped me. I an't used to workin' unless I gets whipped." "Why, Topsy, I don't want to whip you. You can do well, if you've a mind to; what is the reason you won't?" "Laws, Missis, I 's used to whippin'; I spects it's good for me."

He hoped you was all well, and keepin' yer spirits up, Joan." "Poor sawl!" sighed Joan: "I 'spects he finds that's more than he can do." "Ah, you may well say that," replied Mrs. Tucker, casting a troubled look toward her daughter's altered face. "Adam's doin' purtty much the same as you be, Joan frettin' his insides out."

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