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At the same time my will specifies certain conditions relative to your sister Nisida, for whom I have made due provision only in the case which is, alas! almost in defiance of every hope! of her recovery from that dreadful affliction which renders her so completely dependent upon your kindness." "Dearest father, you know how sincerely I am attached to my sister how devoted she is to me "

The statute specifies its object, and the motives with which it was passed.

Hume, agreeably to truth, specifies the lady Eleanor Butler as the person to whom king Edward was contracted, and not Elizabeth Lucy, as it stands in Sir Thomas More. An attempt to vindicate Richard will perhaps no longer be thought whimsical, when so very acute a reasoner as Mr. Hume could find no better foundation than these seven queries on which to rest his condemnation.

Sal is by rights the heiress to the money of her dead father." "That depends upon the will," replied Calton, dryly. "If it specifies that the money is left to 'my daughter, Margaret Frettlby, Sal Rawlins can have no claim; and if such is the case, it will be no good telling her who she is." "And what's to be done?"

"Mahomed Reza Khân, the Naib Subah, was then called upon to account for this large disbursement from the treasury; and he soon delivered to the Committee the very extraordinary narrative entered in our Proceedings the 6th of June, wherein he specifies the several names and sums, by whom paid, and to whom, whether in cash, bills, or obligations.

The lieutenant's pass specifies the exact quantities of goods and money which the traveller and his company take along with them, and this is done for the information of the frontier places, where both passes are regularly examined; for whenever a person arrives at any of these places, it is entered in the register that such a one, the son of such a one, of such a family, passed through the place, in such a month, day, and year, and in such company.

The prosecution specifies no section or paragraph of the statutes of this Territory holding it unlawful to shoot any dangerous wild beast at large in this community. But we do not admit that this prisoner shot anything, or shot at anything whatever.

The government holds the public treasure in trust. It is a trustee, not a proprietor. It can spend public money only for purposes which the constitution specifies; and, among these specified purposes, we do not find the relief of land speculators who build gorgeous palaces on credit. It was the tyranny of Louis XIV., King of France, that drove the ancestor of John Jay to America.

Nor is it to be omitted that this word that thus specifies the time, the present time, doth also conclude it to be that time in which we are imperfect in grace, in which we have many failings, in which we are tempted and accused of the devil to God; this is the time, and in it, and every whit of it, he now appeareth in the presence of God for us.

GENTLEMEN: I respectfully submit to your consideration the accompanying report from the War Department, exhibiting the state of the fortifications at Pea Patch Island and the necessity of further appropriations for the security of that site. The report specifies the improvements deemed proper, and the estimate of their cost. April 2, 1830. To the House of Representatives.