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Great banks of pink and white covered the steep hillsides; the bending stems, ten to twenty feet high, hung their rich clusters over the river; avenues of glory opened away in the glade of the stream; and at every turn of the winding way vistas glowing with the hues of romance wrenched exclamations of delight and wonder from the Shakespearean sonneteer and his humble Friend.

The sonneteer, coming, we believe, from the unsalt waters of the Wabash, seems to be unaware that the fisherman at whom he has leveled his tuneful lyre is not seeking fair tides but clams. We therefore suggest that the closing line of the sextette be amended to read Fair clams reward thy long, laborious days." Harwood was liked by his fellow students in the law office.

Great banks of pink and white covered the steep hillsides; the bending stems, ten to twenty feet high, hung their rich clusters over the river; avenues of glory opened away in the glade of the stream; and at every turn of the winding way vistas glowing with the hues of romance wrenched exclamations of delight and wonder from the Shakespearean sonneteer and his humble Friend.

"'Excuse me, said Laura, as we glided down a mossy path, under the shade of trees particularly dear to poets, 'excuse me, but the sonneteer of whom you speak is one whose name I cannot bear to mention. His conduct with Burns's Clarinda, his heartless infatuation for Stella "'You astonish me, I said. 'In the Paradise of Poets

I have not written on Longfellow's sonnets, for even you, impeccable sonneteer, admit that you admire them as much as I do. To Thomas Egerton, Esq., Lothian College, Oxford. Dear Egerton, Yes, as you say, Mr. Sidney Colvin's new "Life of Keats" has only one fault, it's too short. Perhaps, also, it is almost too studiously free from enthusiasm. Colvin for his example of reserve.

Frederick, the eldest, who, at a great age, is still alive, has never ceased verse-writing. Charles, who afterwards took the name of Turner, and, having been born in 1808, died in 1879, was particularly famous as a sonneteer, producing in this form many good and some excellent examples.

Here was I, before this unfortunate result of what is from my point of view a lamentable miscarriage of Destiny, a tolerably well-informed ... English male!... Well what else am I?... Sonneteer, suppose we say...." "Goose suppose we say or gander!" "All right!

"Here," said Nicholas, as they issued upon the heath, "here we must part: for the road, which I must pursue, would be too difficult for a person unacquainted with the ground. You, I suppose, admire this bright moon and the deluge of light she sheds: so do not I; and I heartily wish some poet or sonneteer had her in his pocket: for a dark night would have favoured our retreat much better.

There let her come, and with her bring more blessed children of the olden time, "Whose names In Fame's eternal volume live for aye." The gallant handsome Surrey, tutored by Love into our first, if not our sweetest sonneteer; and Michael Drayton, with his apt crest Mercury's bright cap, blazoned with sunbeams.

He was an interesting philologist, his Study of Words being the most popular of scholarly and the most scholarly of popular works on the subject, a valuable introducer of the exquisite sacred Latin poetry of the Middle Ages to Englishmen, a sound divine in preaching and teaching. He was a good sonneteer and an excellent hymn-writer.