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On the contrary, the greatness of a lover's passion seemed to increase in proportion to the magnitude of its object; and a voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen petticoats, was declared by a low Dutch sonneteer of the province to be radiant as a sunflower, and luxuriant as a full-blown cabbage.

In spite of its Italian origin, the sonnet always seems to demand the severest classical outlines, both in spirit and expression, calm and steadfastly flowing without ripples or waves, a poem cut in the marble of stately cadences that imprison some vast and divine thought. Lowell is too elastic, impulsive, for a sonneteer.

Great banks of pink and white covered the steep hillsides; the bending stems, ten to twenty feet high, hung their rich clusters over the river; avenues of glory opened away in the glade of the stream; and at every turn of the winding way vistas glowing with the hues of romance wrenched exclamations of delight and wonder from the Shakespearean sonneteer and his humble Friend.

On such a young lady he would make handsome settlements, and he would neglect no arrangement for her happiness: in return, he should receive family pleasures and leave behind him that copy of himself which seemed so urgently required of a man to the sonneteers of the sixteenth century. Times had altered since then, and no sonneteer had insisted on Mr.

The Princess Elizabeth thoughtlessly pledged her hand to the young sonneteer. Of course, she could not fulfil her engagement. 'Why not? 'You see, you are impatient for romance, young gentleman. 'Not at all, Mr. Chancellor. I do but ask a question. 'You fence. Your question was dictated by impatience. 'Yes, for the facts and elucidations! 'For the romance, that is.

Cui mens divinior, atque os Magna sonaturum des nominis hujus honorem. HOR., Sat. i. 4, 43. On him confer the poet's sacred name, Whose lofty voice declares the heavenly flame. There is no character more frequently given to a writer than that of being a genius. I have heard many a little sonneteer called a fine genius.

I could endure it no longer, the torment of not seeing her, of not being with her.... As her favourite sonneteer, Santayana, writes lines she often quoted "Love leads me on, no end of love appears. Is this the heaven, poets, that ye paint? Oh then, how like damnation to be blessed!" I informed Ruth, Darrie, Penton that I was going to New York in the morning....

Betterton. Long have we turn'd the point of our just Rage On the half Wits, and Criticks of the Age. Oft has the soft, insipid Sonneteer In Nice and Flutter, seen his Fop-face here. Well was the ignorant lampooning Pack Of shatterhead Rhymers whip'd on Craffey's back; But such a trouble Weed is Poetaster, The lower 'tis cut down, it grows the faster.

Bowles, the poet, or as Lord Byron calls him, the sonneteer; she admired his sonnets, and his Spirit of Maritime Discovery, and ranked him high as an English genius. In riding to Bowood he fell, and sprained his shoulder, but still came on. Lord Lansdowne alluded to this in presenting him to Madame de Stael before dinner in the midst of the listening circle.