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Updated: August 6, 2024

I saw Mordaunt and Davenant, but not Mohun he was absent, visiting his picket line. Mordaunt was the same stately soldier his grave and friendly voice greeted me warmly as in old days; and Willie Davenant, now a major, commanding a battalion of horse artillery, shook hands with me, as shy and blushing as before and even more sad. "How had his suit prospered? Were things more encouraging?"

It was that soldier that died of the congestive chill and was buried by your mother with his face in a blanket as, like enough, mine will be before another day is done Oh, Lord, Lord! my head will burst!" "Gholson, you're mistaken yet! That soldier came to my mother "

Hogan, says she, 'and you're true to Dandy, you are. 'Faix I am, ma'am, says I, 'an' long life to him and the man that rides him, says I. 'Shure it's he's the soldier, ma'am, and the boss rider of the regiment too. 'I know it, Mr. Hogan, says she, all a-blushin' like, 'an' I'm proud of ye for bein' so thrue to him in his throuble, says she.

He little knew that he was giving the dead soldier the most honorable burial that man could have devised, for the savage words told unmistakably that Robert Shaw's work had not been in vain.

I go far from you, or your power; but if you forswear your voluntary oath, and attempt to seek me out for vengeance, remember it is a soldier of the cross you pursue, and a dire retribution shall be demanded by Heaven, at a moment you cannot avoid, and with a horror commensurate with your crimes."

He promised the credulous Martin, in the name of God, that he should succeed in conquering the enemies of the Cross, and in carrying the city of Grenada by assault, without the loss of a single soldier.

My proud assurance was all wasted upon the creature. In an instant my ready wit had weighed every possible course, and had determined that no one, not the Emperor himself, could hold his ground. There was but one course to fly. But one may fly in many ways. One may fly with dignity or one may fly in panic. I fled, I trust, like a soldier. My bearing was superb though my legs moved rapidly.

The regimental commander and Major Ekonomov had stopped beside a bridge, letting the retreating companies pass by them, when a soldier came up and took hold of the commander's stirrup, almost leaning against him. The man was wearing a bluish coat of broadcloth, he had no knapsack or cap, his head was bandaged, and over his shoulder a French munition pouch was slung.

His cap is so high that he can't wear it in the omnibus, and so he has to take it off." "But there will be another one pretty soon," said Rollo. "If I were a soldier," said Carlos, "I would never get into an omnibus at all. I would have an elegant black horse with a long tail, and I would go galloping through the streets on my horse."

But his dream had been so vivid, that he found everything natural and simple. He knocked with his staff at the door. And behold! it really opened, but only by the space of a hand-breadth, and a soldier asked what he wanted. He wished, he said, to visit the Holy Sepulchre. He could do so, was the answer, if he paid thirty silver zecchines. As he had not so much, the gate was again closed.

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