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Rains sometimes occur during July and August, but are more common in the autumn, when they are often followed by abundant snowfall. During some seasons snow falls to a depth of three or more feet on a level in the yellow pine forests, and remains until spring.

At Florence I was afraid of being snow-bound in the sunny South. For, long and heavily, though the London meteorologists registered sunshine, Cadeva dal cielo la neve Con tutta la sua quiete. This perfect description of snowfall which I found rudely chalked on the wall of a Venetian alley could never have been conceived in the Italy of popular imagination.

And we smoked a cigarette in honour of the snow, of which Jean in contrast to the majority of les hommes highly and unutterably approved. "C'est jolie!" he would say, laughing wonderfully. And we strode to and fro in the muddy cour admiring la neige, not speaking. One day, after the snowfall, I received from Paris a complete set of Shakespeare in the Everyman edition.

The morning of the day to come broke clear and still, with the stars paling one by one at the pointing finger of the dawn, and the frost-rime lying thick and white like a snowfall of erect and glittering needles on iron and steel and wood.

The Rio Colorado alone won't hurt us, but when the Gila and the Little Colorado go on the war-path and come down on top of a high Colorado flood you'll catch hell. It may be this season; it may be next. It depends on the snowfall in the upper countries and the weather in the spring, but it has come and it will come again." "How do you know? There have been no records kept and no surveys.

The day and evening were spent in silent preparations for the surprise and assault if so be it the snow-storm came which was agreed upon as the signal. Last words of counsel and instruction were spoken. Suppressed excitement reigned everywhere. The skies were clear and moonlit in the evening; now, about midnight, a damp, heavy snowfall began and a fierce wind arose.

He hadn't even begged pardon, nor covered his mouth with a paw. "No doubt he was very, very sleepy," said Mr. Grouse. The winter after Nimble lost his spike horns was a mild one. The snowfall was light. And Nimble was able to roam up and down Pleasant Valley and about Blue Mountain as he pleased.

Her next fit of raving came about ten days after the first snowfall and began in the daytime, when both Agathemer and I were in the hut. We forced her back into her bed and then Agathemer had an inspiration. He bade me hold her where she was and he took down his flageolet, from where it hung on a high peg on the partition, and began to play it.

The roads and fields were speckled with the scraps just like a snowfall on the stage, as I reckon all of you have seen in plays like 'Alone in London, and the 'Banker's Daughter. It was in one of those preliminary set-tos that somehow my company strayed away, and left me up in the woods with a bullet in my leg.

No foresight no procedure could have prepared us for this state of affairs. Had we been ten times as experienced or certain of our aim we should not have expected such rebuffs. 11 P.M. It has blown hard all day with quite the greatest snowfall I remember. The drifts about the tents are simply huge.