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The deck was too hot to lie upon, and poisonous vapors, oozing through the seams, crept like evil spirits over the ship, stealing into the nostrils and windpipes of the unwary and causing fits of sneezing and coughing.

Aggie, however, went into a paroxysm of sneezing, and did not revive until given aromatic ammonia to inhale. "I was fooled at first too," the young man said. "We'd been expecting a holdup and when it came we thought it was the faked one. But the person" he paused and looked round "the person who had the real jolt was Helen.

Add to that, complete lack of money, sneezing, a mass of work, the illness of my aunt who died to-day, the indefiniteness, the uncertainty in fact everything has come together to hinder a lazy person like me. I have put off my going away till the first of December. I have given orders that no one is to be admitted, and sit in my room like a heron in the reeds; I see no one, and no one sees me.

Then she fell to backing away and sneezing, her nose bristling with quills like a monstrous pin-cushion. She brushed her nose with her paws, trying to dislodge the fiery darts, thrust it into the snow, and rubbed it against twigs and branches, and all the time leaping about, ahead, sidewise, up and down, in a frenzy of pain and fright.

"I'm not turning up my nose at you, Olive. I only felt like sneezing, and wanted to stop it before it had fully commenced, and how could I try to stop it except by working my nose in that way, when I have a big wet potato in one hand and this ugly old knife in the other, and all wet, too." "Oh, nonsense, girl, don't keep on talking about ugly old knives and wet potatoes, but listen to me.

But Ralph emptied the paper, and laid the board over the chimney. What a row there was inside! The benches that were braced against the door were thrown down, and Hank Banta rushed out, rubbing his eyes, coughing frantically, and sure that he had been blown up. All the rest followed, Bud bringing up the rear sulkily, but coughing and sneezing for dear life.

"What's that? what the devil's that?" cried I; "this McTavish must be a queer genius; one day I hear of his frightening a bull out of a meadow, and the next of his sneezing a man out of a phaeton." "It's simply true! both are simply true!

The authors know of a gentleman in whom sneezing is provoked on the ingestion of chocolate in any form. There was another instance in a member of the medical profession who suffered from urticaria after eating veal. Veal has the reputation of being particularly indigestible, and the foregoing instance of the production of urticaria from its use is doubtless not an uncommon one.

Solingen speaks of abortion produced by sneezing. Osiander cites an instance in which a woman suddenly arose, and in doing so jolted herself so severely that she produced abortion. Hippocrates speaks of extreme hunger as a cause of abortion. Treuner speaks of great anger and wrath in a woman disturbing her to the extent of producing abortion.

He spoke of farming, but what he said could scarcely be heard for the coughing and sneezing of his neighbor. It WAS NOVEMBER, who coughed violently as he got out. He had a cold, but he said he thought it would leave him when he went out woodcutting, for he had to supply wood to the whole parish. He spent his evenings making skates, for he knew, he said, that in a few weeks they would be needed.