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It was Williams who put a check to what Eleanor called a 'loadful of idiots. "The wind is blowing towards the snow," he said; "but I don't like that column of smoke rising from the Homestead slope in this high gale. That Irish sot went home roaring drunk by the stage yesterday. What will you bet the fire didn't start in the timber slash?" Wayland gave only one look.

They will laugh at us for months to come." "Woe to the duke for this affront!" Gretchen started to speak, but the princess quickly put her hand over the goose-girl's mouth. "Ha! So war is gathering in your veins?" "I will have revenge for this!" "Good! Bang bang! Slash and cut! War is a great invention on paper. Come, my boy; you were sensible enough when they brought us here. Control yourself.

For a minute it seemed as though he were going to draw his sword and slash his way out through the English men and women in the carriages at the back. Then the advance stopped dead, the ground stood still, the whole line saluted, and thirty bands began to play all together. That was the end of the review, and the regiments went off to their camps in the rain, and an infantry band struck up with

"Well, that's what I say!" cried Amy. "If they wouldn't waste and slash and leave good material in the woods " Bob smiled whimsically. "A lumberman doesn't like to leave things in the woods," said he.

Mount Deception was very much like Black Mountain, then very heavily timbered with fine, large trees. As the years went by a very large slab pile began to accumulate back of the mill. Some way, no one ever knew just how, those slab piles got afire. It was on a very windy summer night, when everything was as dry as chips and the hills were covered with heaps of dry toppings and pine slash.

I am all right again now, and in a week shall be on horseback, I hope." "Oh, Walter, what can I say?" she said. "To think that you should have suffered so, for us!" "There is nothing dreadful about it," he said, smiling. "A soldier must expect to get wounded, sometimes, and a slash from a German sword is not a serious matter.

The high-walled slash in the foothills narrowed rapidly, and five miles from the mouth of it the walls were so close together that Walter declared he could throw a stone from one to the other. The way was becoming rocky, too; the patches of grass were meager and the brush grew more sparse. The summit of the bare walls rose higher and higher. Far above the cut a vulture wheeled.

A slash or two, or a broken head, was easily accommodated, and as the trade was of benefit to both parties, trifling skirmishes were not allowed to interrupt its harmony.

We went down to breakfast, and sat at a table with Jim and Hiram. It seemed to me that I could not answer any questions till I had asked a thousand. What news had they for me? Buell had escaped, after firing the slash. His sawmill and lumber-camp and fifty thousand acres of timber had been burned. The fire had in some way been confined to the foot-hills.

When he stood up, his comrades shouted to him excitedly; they would come and tear him into little pieces; they would slit his belly so that he could see his own bowels; they would slash him with their knives and rub his wounds with vitriol if he didn't at once lay down his weapons and let them come down to their work. But the "Great Power" did not deign to answer. Perhaps he never heard them.