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The persecutor drove him from home, and Church, and people, to live an exile in an unfriendly city. At the age of sixty-one, the wrath of King Charles fell upon him and his life was demanded, but God sheltered him from the gallows. Through all these trials the heart of this little fair man, with shrill voice, rapid step, and quick eye, was ever an overflowing well of joy and praise.

"By George!" he cried again. "Genesis he de youngis' one," said the old man. "Genesis he 'uz bawn when I 'uz sixty-one." William moved closer. "What became of the one that was born when you were seventeen?" he asked. "Well, suh," said Mr. Genesis, "I nev' did know." At this, Jane's interest equaled William's.

Wilson, managers of a festival realized thirty-two dollars and sixty-one cents, cash, and fifty pounds of meat, beans, fruit and clothing, valued at fifty dollars. July the Fourth was a merry day for the forty little folks at the asylum.

Out of the seventy-six presidents of the convention eighteen were guillotined, eight deported, twenty-two declared outlaws, six incarcerated, three who committed suicide, and four who became insane, in all sixty-one. Election of Collot d'Herbois as president by one hundred and fifty-one out of two hundred and forty-one votes, June 13, 1793.-Moniteur, XVII., 366. III., ch.

"True," said somebody, "in these forty-odd months between March, 'Sixty-one, and August, 'Sixty-four, all hands had got their fill of war; laurels gained were softer to rest on than laurels unsprouted, and it ought to be as easy as rolling off a log for him to lie on his prison-hospital cot in 'rotting idleness, lulled in the proud assurance that he had saved Mobile, or at least postponed for a year "

"Done at the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-fifth. "By the President: ABRAHAM LINCOLN. "WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State."

I shall be forty-one on my next birthday. Then will come fifty-one, another ten years and sixty-one. All to be lived here? Yes, I have sworn it. Not Arcady, not Utopia, only Muskoka, but very dear to me. There is the forest primeval! I know everything in it from the Indian pipe clammy white thing, but how pretty! to that great birch there with the bark peeling off in pieces a yard wide.

Calling a stenographer I dictated a telegram, "We accept" and the deed was done. On arrival of the vessel I sold out at a profit of twenty thousand dollars. My profits for the year were sixty-one thousand dollars. On February fourteenth, as a valentine, there came to "Redstone" our fourth daughter and the family circle was complete.

On opening the head of the second fetus, another, three inches long, was found in the medulla oblongata, and in the cranial cavity with it were two additional fetuses, neither of which was perfectly formed. Broca speaks of a fetal cyst being passed in the urine of a man of sixty-one; the cyst contained remnants of hair, bone, and cartilage.

California and the territories round her have produced one thousand millions of dollars in gold in twenty years. Sixty-one million dollars was the largest annual gold yield ever made in Australia. California has several times produced ninety millions of gold in a year."