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It is probable, as evening had already closed, and the rays of the moon were beginning to quiver on the ripple of the water, that he would have abandoned his object, though with infinite reluctance, had not Sir George Templemore pointed out to the captain a six-oared boat, that was pulling towards them from a quarter that permitted it to be seen in the moonlight.

The same autumn he bought his six-oared boat, for which he had put up a little boat-house during the summer. One night as he lay thinking about this new boat of his, it struck him that in order to make it thoroughly secure he ought, perhaps, to put one more plank to support it on each side.

Although the boat had now twelve men in her, she was in no danger, being a stout, buoyant six-oared yawl, that might have held twenty, on an emergency. The weather looked promising, too, the wind being just a good top-gallant breeze, for a ship steering full and by.

A carriage drawn by four black horses rolled rapidly along the road, swung out on to the beach, and stopped. Almost at the same moment a grey-painted, six-oared boat grounded on the sandy beach. A couple of men landed from her, and as the carriage door opened, they saluted.

"Now if you had only given me the hint first of all," the man was grumblingly saying, "and then let me act for who would have suspected a boat, yacht-rigged like that? A friend of Sir Adrian's, too! If you'd only left it to me! Why that six-oared galley alone is agin the law unless you can prove good reason for it ... as for the vessel herself...." "Yes, my dear Mr. Hobson," interrupted Mr.

Here they began to take in their water, and on the fifth day the six-oared gig was ordered up to Canton for the captain. The next afternoon he passed the ship in her, going down the river to Lin-Tin, to board the Chinese admiral for his chop, or permission to leave China. All night the Agra showed three lights at her mizen peak for him, and kept a sharp look out.

But don't let any other doctor, surgeon, or apothecary, be coming after him for your life for none ever gets a permit to land, to my knowledge, on the Black Islands to which I attribute, under Providence, to say nothing of my own skill in practice, the wonderful preservation of my people in health that, and woodsorrell, and another secret or two not to be committed to paper in a hurry all which I would not have written to you, but am in the gout since four this morning, held by the foot fast else I'd not be writing, but would have gone every inch of the way for you myself in style, in lieu of sending, which is all I can now do, my six-oared boat, streamers flying, and piper playing like mad for I would not have you be coming like a banished man, but in all glory, to Cornelius O'Shane, commonly called King Corny but no king to you, only your hearty old friend."

When we arrived there, I told my companions what I had seen, and what I feared, and then laid before them a proposal that I should take the ship's galley a very fine six-oared boat and, with my nine men, and one of the carronades mounted in the bows, go in search of the missing men. But neither the general nor Morton would hear of this for a moment.

Fortunately towards the evening it fell calm, when we manned and armed three of the boats. I had command of the six-oared cutter with eight seamen and three marines. In the launch were the lieutenant, a mid, and eighteen men, and in the other cutter as many as my boat held. We were two hours on our oars before we got within musket-shot of her.

During the whole time we were near them, they hailed each other through the woods, until their numbers were so much increased, that I did not judge it prudent to attempt making any acquaintance with them at this time: for, as I have already observed, we had only a six-oared boat and a smaller one; our whole number, leaving one man in each boat, amounted to ten seamen, three officers, and myself, with only three muskets; we therefore for the present, contented ourselves with making signs of friendship, and returned to the ship.