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She had been called pretty so often Mary, Constance, all of them had said so much in praise of her beauty; but how poor a thing this was if it could not bind a single soul to her, if all those who loved for a time parted lightly from her those of her own sex; while the feeling that it inspired in men was one she shrunk fearfully from.

In Dry Lake, however, he found that the story of his downfall had preceded him, thanks to the exultant men of the Diamond G, and that the tale had not shrunk in the telling. Dry Lake jeered him as openly as it dared, and part of it that part which had believed in him was quite as unfriendly as was the Happy Family.

No clarion sent its shrill blast on the mountain echoes, no inspiring drum reverberated through the glens all was mournfully still; as the rudest soldier revered the grief he beheld, and shrunk from disturbing it by a sound. King Robert stood alone, on the spot where Sir Christopher Seaton had borne from him his wife and child.

Not a wretch shrunk any where; and I assure you it was a very arduous task, but I had formed a very correct judgment of all I saw, and was confident, if supported, I should succeed. I could not wait for an offshore wind to attack; the season was too far advanced, and the land-winds become light and calmy.

The minister said good-bye to each of his people separately, either in the kirk, or in his own home or theirs; but he shrunk from last words, and from the sight of all the sorrowful faces that were sure to gather to see them go; so he went away at night, and stayed with a friend, a few miles on their way.

The bridegroom grinned at him sheepishly while the bride, very much embarrassed, shrunk to the bridegroom's side and gazed timidly at the reverend gentleman rubbing his hands so expectantly in the doorway. "Won't you come in?" he said, in tones most kindly and hospitable. "Just step right into the parlor and I'll be with you as soon as I can get my spectacles." "Thank you" said Bob. They entered.

Another phenomenon about him was the strange manner in which everyone shunned him. At the first sign of those epaulets of his on the weather side of the poop, the officers there congregated invariably shrunk over to leeward, and left him alone. Perhaps he had an evil eye; may be he was the Wandering Jew afloat.

He suffers and is consumed. He calls to her the love-names they both know. And the woman laughs, and the door is barred. "The door is barred, but what shall bar out the Enemy who creeps to the nine lamps? "See, the fire shines through the wax! The image is grown thin and wan. Three days, three nights, it has shrunk before the flames. Three days, three nights, the woman has watched.

Time had shrunk their stout timbers and tapped their contents. Then he held up his flickering light and looked quickly round this prison-house which had turned into a tomb, and shivered, as a dim idea of what it all meant came over him. It was a large, low, natural rock chamber, and all round the walls were black slits which might mean it passages leading on into the bowels of the island.

He dares not ask a soul to see how he spends his gold; he has shrunk into a mean and niggardly expenditure, and complains of reverse and poverty, in order to excuse himself to his wife for debarring her the enjoyments which she anticipated from the Money Bags she had married. A vague consciousness of retribution has awakened remorse, to add to his other stings.