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THE ORACLE. To die before the tide of glory turns. He falls with a shriek. She throws the pistol away and goes haughtily into the temple. Monster! She-devil! Unnatural, inhuman wretch! You deserve to be hanged, guillotined, broken on the wheel, burnt alive. No sense of the sacredness of human life! No thought for my wife and children! Bitch! Sow! Thats a woman all over.

"That she-devil would have burned the house, and me in the bargain. But the end is not yet." "Well, hardly!" laughed Chick, as they descended the front stairs and extinguished the last light. "We'll stop an officer, and send him here to watch the house," said Nick. "Then we'll have a look at Venner's dwelling. It's my opinion, Chick, that our work has now begun in good earnest."

Let Pearse and Venner kill each other, or let that end be accomplished with his outside help, and there was the solution that Dolores had demanded them to work out; one of them left, to be master of the wealth of Croesus; to be the mate of a magnificent creature, who could be goddess or she-devil at will.

"This woman's help is absolutely necessary to me now!" he thought, as he contemplated his own handsome person in a mirror. "If she can only hold her tongue and keep a secret, she may be the foundation of my fortunes. I think that I can make it worth her while, but she must never fall under the influence of this she-devil in petticoats, who comes to-morrow night!

"Where Pancho Cueto made a goat of himself? Perfectly. Do you mean to say that you saw old Esteban Varona walking with his head in his hands?" "No, but I saw that she-devil who fell in the well and broke her neck." "Eh? When did you behold this this marvel?" "Two nights ago. She was there beside the well and her face shone through the night like a lantern. Christ! There was fire upon it.

You've never missed a chance since we're married to keep us apart. Shame!" "I She " "Now mark my word, if it wasn't to spare her I'd have invited you out long ago. Haven't you got any pride?" "I have. I have," she almost moaned, and could have crumpled up there and swooned her humiliation. "You're not a regular girl. You're a she-devil. That's what you are!

And then the thought of her, left behind at Condillac at the mercy of Marius and that she-devil the Marquise, and the fears that of a sudden leapt up in his mind, brought him to a standstill, as though he were contemplating the incomparable folly of a return.

She knew them well, every superstition, every wild impulse, and she played contemptuously on their savagery. Not fear, but command, was stamped upon her features; she ruled by legerdemain, by lie and trick, and she stood, the supreme she-devil, the master spirit in that raging hell.

How would she treat the situation if she ever came to know? I believe she would kill herself." "But she never need know! She never shall know!" There was a note of desperation in Dacre's rejoinder. "You have only got to hush it up, and it will die a natural death. That she-devil will never take the trouble to follow me out here. Why should she?

"Fellows at the Club speaking of some such woman today. Pretty woman, I supppose a declasste." Hawke, lifted his eyebrows. "No, a she-devil!" almost shouted old Hugh. "Now, I want you to watch her and find out who her backers are. She is trying to annoy me. Be prudent, and I'll make it a year's pay to you." Hawke's greedy eyes lightened as he bowed. "But never mention my name.