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This half of the big balloon was the spherical collector mirror, facing, through the clear plastic of its other half, the solar disk. Well inside the balloon, at the tip of the ruby barrel that was its heart, were located the boiler tubes that activated the self-centering inertial orientation servos which must remain operational at all times.

He had also belonged to the now proscribed Society of Electronic Engineers, had contributed articles to that organization's journal, and had taken an active part in some of its chapter meetings. During the war, he had worked on radio-controlled servos, doing acceptable work.

Victus voluntariam servitutem adit: quamvis juvenior, quamvis robustior, alligari se ac venire patitur: ea est in re prava pervicacia: ipsi fidem vocant. Servos conditionis hujus per commercia tradunt, ut se quoque pudore victoriae exsolvant. XXV. Ceteris servis, non in nostrum morem descriptis per familiam ministeriis, utuntur. Suam quisque sedem, suos penates regit.

Hot Rod's pull on a taut cable would be to the south. No. Lab One could be re-oriented to trail the thrusting balloon. But the lab's servos should have prevented that re-orientation unless the thrust were really heavy. "What is our velocity?" he asked.

Also, I think I know how the transistors and servos were taken out." Rick stared. "Honest?" "I think so. Ever notice how the cleaning men work? They have carts. Big ones, made of metal. At one end is a kind of well, for brooms, mops, and the vacuum cleaner wand and tubes. But most of the cart is just a metal box. The sides open. They carry rags, soap, that sawdust stuff for the floor, and so on.

"Nitrogen is obviously escaping, but it wouldn't be worth a man's life to send him out into that flare-storm to patch it. We may even have enough nitrogen aboard to replace what we lose. "The best I can figure," he said, "is that the meteor must have hit the orientation servos and thrown them off for a bit. We'll have to wait till after the flare to make more than an educated guess, though.

Thrice, Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum... without the sign of cross, Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat. 14. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. Sed libera nos a malo. 15. Respice in servos tuos.... Et sit splendor....16. Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat....Oremus, Dirigere et sanctificare.... l7. Jube, Domine.... Deus et actus nostros....Amen. 18.

As it came to a stop at the end of the long anchor tube, Steve dismounted and kicked over the short remaining distance, which was spanned only by a slack cable to permit the inertial orientation servos of Hot Rod unhindered freedom to maintain their constant tracking of the solar disk.

This hereditary sense of superiority on the part of the clergy may explain and excuse much of their seeming flattery. The most vicious kings are lauded, if only they have been 'erga servos Dei benevoli; if they have founded monasteries; if they have respected the rights of the Church.

By the time the servos refocused the communications beam on Thule, there was no Thule; only a burnt-out crater where it had been.