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Updated: August 10, 2024

Rising, but with no show of haste, Lewis called to Cousin and me: "What about this?" "An attack in force, sir, I believe," I panted. He glanced at Cousin, who nodded and then ducked away. "I think you are mistaken," the colonel coldly remarked. "It must be a big scouting-party." I tried to tell him what Cousin and I had seen and heard. But he ignored me and ordered the drums to beat To Arms.

Clotilde gave a brief account of the matter, omitting only her conversation with Frowenfeld. "Mais, oo strigue 'im?" demanded Aurora, impatiently. "Addunno!" replied the other. "Bud I does know 'e is hinnocen'!" A small scouting-party of tears reappeared on the edge of her eyes. "Innocen' from wad?" Aurora betrayed a twinkle of amusement.

The clear, ringing notes had scarcely ceased when there was a commotion in the barracks, and a crowd of men came pouring out and hurried toward the stables. There were a hundred and twenty of them, and they belonged to the troops A, E and L the latter commonly called the "Brindles" of which Captain Clinton's scouting-party was to be composed.

The Indians did manoeuvre pretty nearly as George said they would, but Captain Clinton and his scouting-party did not go back to the fort until they had accomplished something. The troopers went into camp about midnight, having been nineteen hours in the saddle, during which time they had marched more than seventy miles.

A cannon shall be seen to belch its smoke from among the trees, against some distant canoes on the lake; the traffickers shall pause, and seem to hearken, at intervals, as if they heard the rattle of musketry or the shout of Indians; a scouting-party shall be driven in, with two or three faint and bloody men among them.

We were to meet at Moreno's this evening; but a scouting-party in the mountains warned us to hide until night, so we're late. Have they reached Moreno's? We must be close there." "You're close enough to Moreno's; it's not a hundred yards back there; but that light across the valley is the warning beacon at Picacho. They would hardly venture across knowing what that means."

If they can't get hold of the man who did the shooting or any of his relations, they look to the government for pay. On a certain occasion a scouting-party of ten men was surprised and utterly wiped out. The surprise was so complete that every one of the party was killed at the first fire, with the exception of a corporal, who had just time to knock over two of the reds before he too was shot.

Cameron now felt convinced that this party of Peigans, into whose hands Joe Blunt and Henri had fallen, were nothing else than a war-party, and that the men now before him were a scouting-party sent out from them, probably to spy out his own camp, on the trail of which they had fallen, so he said to them "The Peigans are not wise men, they tell lies to the traders.

The scouting-party had proceeded about four or five miles, when one of the corporals asked permission for himself and a recruit to go over to the Upper Walnut to find out whether they could discover any signs of Indians.

But one Indian had been seen, and he was south of the Arkansas in the sand hills. The next morning a scouting-party of forty men, under command of a sergeant, started out to scour the country toward Cow Creek, northeast from the Walnut. As I have stated, the troopers stationed at the cantonment on the Walnut were mostly recruits.

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