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Updated: August 21, 2024

'Did you ever see anything like that? he asked. 'Old Nelson! the hardest, savagest, toughest old sinner in the camp, on his knees before a lot of men! 'Before God, I could not help saying, for the thing seemed very real to me. The old man evidently felt himself talking to some one. 'Yes, I suppose you're right, said Graeme doubtfully; 'but there's a lot of stuff I can't swallow.

The vast injury that had been done him, this ruthless assault on his house, his humiliation in public, and now these wanton taunts, whipped his weak nature into frenzy. Cowards at bay are the savagest foes. Mr. Luce ran amuck! Spurring his resolution by howling over and over: "I don't dast to be an outlaw, hey?

Then there are scorpions, the savagest looking little bastes ye ever saw, for all the world like a little lobster with his tail turned over his back, and a sting at the end of it. Then there's spiders, some of 'em nigh as big as a cat." "Oh, nonsense, Tim!" Charlie said; "I don't think, from what I've heard, that there's a spider in India whose body is as big as a mouse."

"Why, there is a big black bull-dog, the biggest that ever was, that has run mad. He has bitten ever so many other dogs, and horses, sheep, and cattle. He is as big as a bear, and froths at the mouth. He is the savagest critter that ever was," said Hans in a breath. "Why don't somebody kill him?" "They are afraid of him," said Hans. "I should think they might kill him," Paul replied.

The argument will not be felt by those who disbelieve in his greatness, and the idolaters those who pretend to worship without believing- will be savagest of all. Idols must be draped in fine clothes, and are reduced to nothing by mere human garments." Perhaps the fullest, and certainly the least reserved, account of Froude's own feelings about the book is contained in a letter to Mrs.

But after one of the savagest of these renunciations, while he was stamping defiantly down Tottenham Court Road, he saw in a window a walking-stick that he was sure she would like his carrying. And it cost only two-and-six. Hastily, before he changed his mind, he rushed in and slammed down his money.

He is remarkably delicate and beautiful, the handsomest as he is the smallest of the warblers known to me. It is never without surprise that I find amid these rugged, savage aspects of nature creatures so fairy and delicate. But such is the law. Go to the sea or climb the mountain, and with the ruggedest and the savagest you will find likewise the fairest and the most delicate.

You have been in the milder caverns of Trophonius; or as in some den, where that fiercest and savagest of all wild creatures, the TONGUE, that unruly member, has strangely lain tied up and captive. You have bathed with stillness.

Suppose you were to go down into the old part of the country again, for instance, and see that that out-of-the-way woman with the savagest of names, said my aunt, rubbing her nose, for she could never thoroughly forgive Peggotty for being so called. 'Of all things in the world, aunt, I should like it best! 'Well, said my aunt, 'that's lucky, for I should like it too.

Crack! went the long-barreled piece again, and again an officer hallooing on his floundering battalion bent to his saddle horn and slipped into the turbid flood. My gorge rose. This picking off of officers has always seemed to me the savagest of war's barbarities.

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