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It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity. The price of a perfect love is an absolute and complete surrender. Keep back part of the price and yours will be the fate of Ananias and Sapphira. Your doom is swift and sure. To win all we must give all. Giving Something for Nothing

II. The general description is followed by one example of the surrender of wealth, which is noteworthy as being done by one afterwards to play a great part in the book, and also as leading on to an example of hypocritical pretence. Side by side stand Barnabas and the wretched couple, Ananias and Sapphira.

In a word, Littleburg was in the grip of its first street fair. Before going down-town, Gregory strolled casually within sight of the Clinton boarding-house. Only Miss Sapphira was on the green veranda. She had watched the ceaseless streams of humanity pouring along either sidewalk, destined for the heart of the small town, countless hordes, reenforced from rural districts by excursion trains.

Hail, celestial morning, whose bright beams shall disperse the shadows of death, and diffuse the splendours of immortal day upon our inheritance! In the account of the crime by which Ananias and Sapphira have acquired such an awful celebrity, the agency of SATAN is distinctly marked "Why," said Peter, hath Satan filled thine heart?

Miss Sapphira liked a joke or at least she thought so as well as anybody; but like a too-humorous author, she found that to be as funny as possible was bad for business.

He returned, therefore, with certain monks to his own country; and, finding his parents dead, gave away part of his substance to the brethren, part to the poor, and kept nothing at all for himself, fearing what is told in the Acts of the Apostles, the example or punishment, of Ananias and Sapphira; and especially mindful of the Lord's saying "He that leaveth not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple."

Abstractly and logically considered, facts certainly do not lie; but let us see whether the inferences deduced from what we believe to be facts, do not sometimes eclipse Ananias and Sapphira!

That night at the camp-meeting, he had to take her out of the tent he was asked to do it " "He didn't have to stand, a-holding her hand." " And as soon as he'd shown her the way to Brother Gregory's, he came on back to the tent, I saw him in the aisle." "And she whistled at me," cried Miss Sapphira "the limb!" "Now, listen, Sapphira, and quit goading.

How perfectly lovely! You, dear, dear, old John! And that's what you've been doing with all your money, just to surprise me! Bless your dear good heart! Oh! I'm so glad, and so delighted. Won't it be simply grand?" I could feel the cold, spectral form of Sapphira leaning over my left shoulder, urging me on. "What is it like? How many rooms? Where is it?" she inquired, all in one breath.

In the evening, tender-hearted and with pain in his soul, but fearing to relax and let down the bars to admit a herd of evils, the father doomed his son to stay at home, ordering as a punishment the reading of the narrative of Ananias and Sapphira. From that hour throughout his life Carleton hated this particular scripture.