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Updated: August 15, 2024

He whistled to the little black doggie, and the doggie, who was trying to stand on the end of his tail, got down and ran to the man. Sammie was so frightened that he ran, too, only he ran home. Sammie told his papa and mamma and Susie and Uncle Wiggily what had happened to him, and they told him he must be careful not to go near black doggies again.

I know Sammie and Susie Littletail would love a circus." "Yes, some folks like it," spoke the elephant slow and thoughtful-like, as he sat down on his trunk, "but I do not care for it. You see of late the children ate all the peanuts, instead of giving me my share, and I just couldn't stand it any longer.

Let's see, we left off about Uncle Wiggily Longears, the old gentleman rabbit, and what was going to happen to him when he should meet the red fairy, didn't we? Uncle Wiggily walked along very slowly, going home from the party Lulu and Alice Wibblewobble had. Sammie Littletail saw how slowly his uncle walked, and asked: "What is the matter, Uncle Wiggily? Does your rheumatism hurt you very much?"

"Yes," was the answer, and a pipe was found for Sammie. He seemed to know how to use it, for he blew bubbles bigger than any one else. "What's inside the bubbles?" asked Violet, who simply had to ask another question. "Is it water?" "No, it's air," said Sammie. "If you could blow a bubble big enough to get inside of you could breathe the air, just like outside.

She is going to bake some turnip pies to-day out of the turnip you and I and Billie Bushytail got yesterday and she needs a hot fire. I just love turnip pies; don't you, Sammie?" "Indeed I do, but I don't believe we are going to have any. Mother stewed my half of the turnip."

I have been waiting this opportunity ever since you arrived, but could not get you and Sammie separated long enough to do so until now." These closing words annoyed Lois and she longed more than ever to leave the room, especially so when Bramshaw sat down by her side and began to talk to her in a familiar manner.

"Yes he does, too!" exclaimed Hal. Doesn't he, Mab?" "Yep!" answered the little girl, shaking her head from side to side so fast that you could hardly tell which were her curls and which was her hair ribbon. "Huh! Does your father know what makes a steam engine go?" asked Sammie. "Sure he does!" said Hal. "And he told us about it once, too; didn't he, Mab?"

What do you suppose they have different parts of the park for, if it isn't to keep you rabbits out of certain places?" "I'm sure I don't know," was all Sammie could say. "Do you know who I am?" asked the horned creature. "No no, sir." "Well, I'm a deer." "My my mother calls me that, sometimes, when I've been real good," said Sammie.

Sammie knew all about him, as he had been freely and severely discussed at his home almost every day as far back as he could remember. Here, then, was a lawful prey, and he gloated over the stories he would have to tell to his father of what he had done to the waif. At noon-hour, the first day, Sammie made himself very objectionable.

"Yes, I'll show you," agreed Sammie, and he led the cat toward the burrow. Now, he did not know any better, for he did not stop to think that cats will eat rabbits. And the cat was just thinking how easily she had provided a good dinner for herself, when Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy, who was peeping out of the front door of the burrow, saw pussy.

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