Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 26, 2024

Both the Angrab and the Salaam are short rivers, but, as they are the two main channels for the reception of the entire drainage of a vast mountain area, they bring down most violent floods, that materially affect the volume of the main artery. The whole of this country abounded in game beyond any that I had hitherto seen, and I had most glorious sport.

The glass of propitiatory wine and the aromatic spices are mentioned in the Vishnu-Buddayat." Mr. Yahi-Bahi, his preparations completed, was now seen to stand in front of the sideboard bowing deeply four times in an Oriental salaam. The light of the single taper had by this time burned so dim that his movements were vague and uncertain. His body cast great flickering shadows on the half-seen wall.

"Tell them, Salaam," was the quick chorus in reply. "And that is good enough, I guess," remarked the American who is now giving his life to the Indian people, "for Salaam means. Peace be to you." So indeed I pass on the message to the fortunate boys and girls of the United States who read this article. "Salaam," Peace be to you. Little Ones.

She had scarcely made her salaam to Lady Goldthred, and passed on through billiard-room, library, and verandah, to the two dwarfed larches and half-acre of mown grass which constitute the wilderness of a suburban villa, ere Dick felt conscious that his could be no monopoly of adoration.

It wavered and bent its head. "Does your Excellency deign to remember the least and humblest of her servants?" queried Nick, with a deep salaam. The laugh in his tone brought her sharply back to the demand of circumstance. Before the watching crowd of children, she forced her white lips to smile in answer, and in a moment she had recovered her self-possession.

On approaching an equal, the arms of both are thrown transversely across the shoulders and body, like the preparatory attitude of wrestlers in some parts of England, then, placing breast to breast, the usual form of "salaam aleikoom" is given in a slow measured tone. But on horseback the inferior dismounts, and, according to the degree of rank, touches or embraces the stirrup.

Horn's presence with rather a formal bow quite different from the low salaam with which he had greeted Colonel Clayton. "Dat bobobalish'- nest, Mister Cobb, jes' gone in de parlor," he said to Aunt Hannah when he regained the kitchen. "Looks like he lived on parsimmons, he dat sour." Mrs.

He did not know that when she first saw him she spoke to him as she would have spoken to a native, and had not known that a cross, sturdy old Yorkshire man was not accustomed to salaam to his masters, and be merely commanded by them to do things. "Tha'rt like th' robin," he said to her one morning when he lifted his head and saw her standing by him.

The pacha, irritated at his disappointment, and little soothed by the remark of Mustapha, without making any answer to it was about to retire to his harem, when Mustapha, with a low salaam, informed him that the renegade was in attendance to relate his Second Voyage, if he might be permitted to kiss the dust in his presence.

As he sat thus, an Arab doorkeeper, gorgeously apparelled and armed with a great sword, appeared in the portico, and after looking carefully to see that his master was not asleep, made a low salaam. "What is it?" asked Benoni shortly. "Master, a young lord named Caleb wishes speech with you." "Caleb? I know not the name," replied Benoni.

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