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One's own private knowledge of a man's character is not worth a brass farthing as legal evidence. But I am happy to say that Dunbar completely pooh-poohed the idea." "I like Inspector Dunbar!" declared Helen; "he is so strong a splendid man!" Denise Ryland stared at her cynically, but made no remark. "The inspector and myself," continued Dr.

He was known to and esteemed by Brother Ryland as a Christian before he left England. I have lived with him ever since his arrival in India, and can witness to his piety and holy conduct. Would they exclude him from the mission?

Ryland ventured to suggest that the decided approbation of the Governor's conduct could not fail to have a desirable effect on the minds of the Canadians, and that the best way of expressing such approbation, was by suspending the constitution, as Sir James Craig had recommended, Mr.

A knock announced the return of the maid; and the girl reentered, placing upon the table a visiting-card: Helen Cumberly started to her feet with a stifled exclamation and turned to the maid; her face, to which the color slowly had been returning, suddenly blanched anew. "Denise Ryland!" she muttered, still holding the card in her hand, "why that's Mrs.

"They are a special brand," explained Olaf van Noord, distractedly, "which I have imported for me from Smyrna. They contain a small percentage of opium." "Opium!" exclaimed Denise Ryland, glaring at the speaker and then at Helen Cumberly, as though the latter were responsible in some way for the vices of the painter.

"But, for heaven's sake... what does he... CALL it?" muttered Denise Ryland, holding a pair of gold rimmed pince-nez before her eyes, and shifting them to and fro in an endeavor to focus the canvas. "'Our Lady of the Poppies," replied the journalist. "Do you think it's intended to mean anything in particular?" The question was no light one; it embodied a problem not readily solved.

Several newspapers were suppressed, a notable example being the "Tuscaloosa Independent Monitor", whose editor, Ryland Randolph, was a picturesque figure in Alabama journalism and a leader in the Ku Klux Klan. The military administration was thorough and, as a whole, honest and efficient.

She thought that at last she perceived the secret working of that Providence which ever dances attendance at the elbow of accomplished womankind. Mentally, Denise Ryland was again surveying that remarkable composition; mentally she was surveying Olaf van Noord's model, also.

"Dreaming, for ever dreaming, Windsor!" said Ryland, the old adversary of Raymond, and candidate for the Protectorate at the ensuing election. "Be assured that earth is not, nor ever can be heaven, while the seeds of hell are natives of her soil.

Ryland, who had been secretary for years to successive governors-general, and represented the opinions of the ruling official class. In Upper Canada there were no national or racial antipathies and rivalries to stimulate political differences.