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"What dangerous demons those Dus must be, dwarfs no taller than barely two feet high! Meseems I see them, with their hairy and shriveled faces, their cats' claws, their goats' hoofs and their eyes flashing fire. The bare thought of them is enough to make one shiver." "Look out, Roselyk! There is one under the bin. Look out!"

"Roselyk, look well at this young man look at his eyes, his forehead, his bearing, his face." "Oh, brother, one sees strange resemblances at times. One would think that our brother Karadeucq himself stood before us that is how he looked at the time that he ran away." "Roselyk, do you not notice that the stranger seems strangely affected? There are tears in his eyes.

On the other hand, would our descendants feel more elated if I were to tell them: "That in which my pride lies is the knowledge that there is no better field-laborer than my son Jocelyn, no better housekeeper than his wife Madalen, no sweeter creature than my granddaughter Roselyk, no handsomer and more daring lads than my two grandsons, Kervan and Karadeucq especially the latter, the youngest of the set, my own pet! a very demon for deviltry, bravery and attractiveness.

"Well, my dear Roselyk, why tremble? What is there frightful in the steps that are approaching? Good do you hear them laughing aloud? Are you now at ease?" "Laughing! on such a night!" "It is frightful to hear, is it not, my sweet Roselyk, especially when the laughers are your own father and brother? Well here they are. Well, my children?" "The misfortune that threatened our house "

If, however, my brother Kervan and my sweet sister Roselyk still live, tell them that I die with their names upon my lips and dear to my heart. Such were the last words uttered by my father." "And have you the account of your own and my brother's lives?" "Here it is," answered Ronan opening his traveling bag. And he drew from it a parchment which he handed over to Kervan.

It seems to me I hear a voice calling " "Alas! mother, some misfortune threatens our house you said it " "Roselyk, my child, do not add fuel to your mother's fright. What is there astonishing in a traveler calling from without to have the door opened to him " "His cries are not human I am frozen with fear " "You come with me, Kervan, seeing that your mother wishes to keep Karadeucq near her.

"Fear not, mother; it is some wolf prowling about. Where is my bow?" "Karadeucq, you stay here " "Dear Madalen, be not in such fear for your son, nor you my sweet Roselyk for your brother. Perhaps it is better not to challenge the hobgoblins and fairies on a stormy night, but your fears are idle.

"Grandfather, you should join us in scolding my brother Karadeucq instead of encouraging him in his dangerous wishes. Do you not know " "What, my blonde Roselyk?" "Alas! grandfather, the Korrigans steal the children of poor mothers and put little monsters in their place. The song so has it " "Let's hear that song, my little Roselyk."

"Grandfather, my sweet sister Roselyk has been imposed upon by evil tongues. All mothers with ugly urchins for children declare that the Korrigans substituted a little monster for their darling." "Well answered, my grandson!" "And, on my part, I maintain that the Korrigans are, on the contrary, sweet and serviceable. Do you know the valley of Helle?" "Yes, my dare-devil."

Say, young man, are you the son of Karadeucq?" The answer of Ronan the Vagre was to throw himself on the neck of his father's brother, after which he embraced no less effusively Martha, Roselyk and Yvon. After the tears were dried and the first emotion appeased, the first words that simultaneously parted from the lips of Kervan and Roselyk were: "And our brother, our beloved Karadeucq?