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"Indeet it was, t'ough; I mentioned it several times, and told them how long we had been on the roat, and how you trove, and how you had sold the sleigh and horses already, and a dozen other t'ings. Oh! we talket a great deal of you, Corny; that is, I dit, and the girls listened." "Was my name mentioned by either of the young ladies, Dirck, in direct terms?"

Smoke 'em in Colorado, smell 'em in Europe! I managed to drop it on the floor in a few minutes so that I could switch onto one of mine. I pulled out a pair of two-bit-straights and passed one over, lighting the other for myself. "'Dot vas a goot seecar, said the old man. 'You are on der roat? "'Yes, said I. "'Vat's your bees'ness? "'I'm selling clothing. "'Vat?

I hide for Yacob, an' I get Schmitt in der back and I only want Yacob. He send me to der pen for sure yet next time. I hate Yon Yacob." A little silence, then Hans murmured: "I didn't go to Kansas City. I coom back to Gretchen's home by Little Wolf. I hide where I watch for Yacob. I shoot twice to be sure of Yacob, an' Schmitt, hidin' in der crack by der roat, get one shot.

Dere is goot automobiling roads." "Are you going to Jersey City?" "Sure. I goes by dot on der ferry. Den I skips out by der Plank Roat, und maybe I goes me out to der Oranges Mountains. I am just learning to run my car goot!" "I'll go with you!" cried Larry. "Have you room in your car for two?" "Surely! For four, if you likes to bring 'em.

'I aff lost my roat, he say; and I say, 'Yais' bote I vill put him into his roat, and so I ask for a moment pardon, and go back to my caporal, and tell him to be on de qui vive till I come back.

It looks like storming," he muttered. "Hello! What the devil!" For Rosie Gimpke, with blazing cheeks and hair dripping with perspiration, was hidden behind the coat. "Oh, Mr. Champers, go queek and find Yon Yacob, but don't go the creek roat. I coom slippin' to tell you to go sure, and I hit when that strange man coom slippin' in.

I saw young Dawkins blush with delite as he red the note; he toar up for or five sheets before he composed the answer to it, which was as you red abuff, and roat in a hand quite trembling with pleasyer. If you could but have seen the look of triumph in Deuceace's wicked black eyes, when he read the noat!

Veil, I am in dot bees'ness myself. "'Who do you travel for? said I, playing the innocent. "'I'm not on de roat, said the old man. 'I am just out on a leetle trip for my healt. I am a monufacturer. Who do you trafel for? "I told him and then tried to switch the conversation to something else. I knew the old man wouldn't let me do it. "'V'ere do you trafel? said he.

If Sattn himself were a lord, I do beleave there's many vurtuous English mothers would be glad to have him for a son-in-law. Now, though my master had thought fitt to leave town without excommunicating with his father on the subject of his intended continental tripe, as soon as he was settled at Balong he roat my Lord Crabbs a letter, of which I happen to have a copy. It ran thus:

I knew what my master meant, that he would give the old lord the money after he was married; and as it was probble that miss would see the letter he roat, he made it such as not to let her see two clearly into his present uncomfrable situation. I took this letter along with the tender one for Miss, reading both of 'em, in course, by the way.