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Campanella, Bruno, and Bacon stand, as it were, on the brink of the dividing stream, tenduntque manus ripae ulterioris amore. If we are to draw any useful lines of demarcation in the continuous flux of history we must neglect anticipations and announcements, and we need not scruple to say that, in the realm of knowledge and thought, modern history begins in the seventeenth century.

I like to form an imaginary picture, which the austerity of the scientific conscience will, I know, repudiate with horror, of the unhappy congregation, mournfully assembled bag and baggage on the edge of the straits and gazing wistfully across at the white cliffs of England, which they were not privileged to reach tendentesque manus ripae ulterioris amore, 'stretching out their paws in longing for the further bank.

Heathen philosophy was exalted and eloquent, but all its votaries were sad; to "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding," it was not given them to attain. We see Marcus "wise, self-governed, tender, thankful, blameless," says Mr. Arnold, "yet with all this agitated, stretching out his arms for something beyond tendentemque manue ripae ulterioris amore"

The doubt expressed here has reference only to their original location, not to their original stock, and is therefore in no way inconsistent with the affirmation in chapter 43. Cum==since. Hence followed by subj. Utriusque ripae. Here of the Danube, the right or Pannonian bank of which was occupied by the Aravisci, and the left or German bank by the Osi.

Are we then dangerously out of the way in believing that that wherein all the sons of men unite is the veritable goal towards which they are consciously or unconsciously reaching Tendentes manus ripae ulterioris amore? And there is one other unmistakable evidence that the stream of tendency is in our direction.

Eurydicen vox ipsa et frigida lingua, Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae. Carlyle's pathos, far from being confined to his own calamity, was ready to awake at every touch. "I was walking with him," writes Froude, "one Sunday afternoon in Battersea Park. In the open circle among the trees was a blind man and his daughter, she singing hymns, he accompanying her on some instrument.

If I take the famous line which describes how the souls of the dead stood waiting by the river, imploring a passage from Charon: Tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore, and if I translate it, "and were stretching forth their hands in longing for the further bank," the charm of the original has fled. Why has it fled?

Artus exprimente. Quae tam arte artus includit, ut emineant, earumque lineamenta et forma appareant, K. K. and Gr. understand this of coat and vest, as well as breeches; Guen. of breeches only. Proximi ripae. Near the banks of the Rhine and the Danube, so as to have commercial intercourse with the Romans.