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Updated: July 31, 2024

He was employed in thrashing in a field more than a league from the Tymor's home. The Bashaw used to come to visit his slave there, and beat, spurn, and revile him.

Because she had been commissioned to carry this one or that one, this hundred or that thousand of his own creatures from one world to another, was I to revile the servant of a grand and gracious Master? It was blameless in Connie to feel the late trouble so deeply that she could not be glad: she had not had the experience of life, yea, of God, that I had had; she must be helped from without.

"I am accustomed to contumely, and when unjustly persecuted I follow the example of my Saviour I forgive those that hate and revile me." "Did you hear that?" whispered the multitude one to another. "And do you mark what a beautiful countenance she has? Instead of being a murderess, she may be a pious saint. Who knows?"

Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from them, and shall revile you, and shall cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy; for, lo! your reward is great in heaven: for after the same manner did your fathers to the prophets. But wo unto you who are rich! for ye have received your consolation.

That is a decree which may not be broken even by Ithobal. So revile me not, but thank me, though for a little while your heart be sore." "My heart is sore indeed," answered Aziel, "and if you think your words be wise, their medicine does not soothe, Phoenician.

Hear me, ye Scribling Beaus, Why will you in sheer Rhyme, without one stroke | Of Poetry, Ladies just Disdain provoke, | And address Songs to whom you never spoke? | In doleful Hymns for dying Felons fit, Why do you tax their Eyes, and blame their Wit? Unjustly of the Innocent you complain, 'Tis Bulkers give, and Tubs must cure your pain. Why in Lampoons will you your selves revile?

Blinded as he was by the false ideals of his class, it was the best he could do; for there is always a chance for a brave and resolute warrior, even when his back is not to the wall but to the Russians. That means that we have to conquer him and not to revile him and strike moral attitudes.

What of it, when you know his faith, and that this fair idolater will sap it, and cause him to cast away his soul? What of it, when with your own ears you heard him swear to love her through all the deeps of life and death? Man, are you mad?" "No, but some might say that you are, holy father, who forget that I am also of this religion which you revile.

"It is a distant kinship," quoth Hagen, the knight, "that bindeth Etzel and Siegfried. He loved Kriemhild, or ever she laid eyes on thee. Most evil king, why dost thou plot against me?" Kriemhild, the wife of the noble king, heard this speech; angry she grew that he durst thus revile her before King Etzel's liegemen. Therefore she again began to plot against the strangers.

He was intimate with an unprincipled set. Once he was mixed up with one of my clients, M. de Clameran, in a scandalous gambling affair which took place at the house of some disreputable woman, and wound up by being tried before the police court." For some minutes the banker continued to revile Prosper.

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