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To my slenderness I also attribute a feeling as though all was not well in the vicinity of the waistline, even though I tightened and retightened my belt so snugly as to cause some difficulty in respiring properly.

I do not wish to be always respiring the same confined atmosphere, but to vary the scene, and get a little relief and fresh air out of doors.

For nine months his type of life was aquatic, and during that time he assumed, in succession, many distinct but correlated forms. At birth his type of life became aerial; he began respiring the atmospheric air; new elements of food were supplied to him; the mode of his nutrition changed; but as yet he could see nothing, hear nothing, notice nothing.

Before we knew the gallant Captain was respiring our balmy air, we really did wonder what laughing gas had imbued our atmosphere every one we met in the streets appeared to be in such a state of jollification; but when we heard that the author of Peter Simple was actually puffing a cigar amongst us we no longer marvelled at the pleasant countenances of our citizens.

He approached and perceived that the phenomenon came from the Rhizomorphes which threw out these night-lamp gleams while respiring. "These plants are amazing," he reflected. Then he drew back to let his eye encompass the whole collection at a glance. His purpose was achieved.

At Lapindan, a small village near the town of Santa Anna, I freighted a small boat worked by three Indians: and one morning, without making my project known to my friends, and without inquiring whether the governor had replaced me, I set out to take possession of my domains, respiring the vivifying and pure air of liberty.

But probably the bulk of it will arrive to-morrow afternoon." "Yes, sir," said Reuben, and departed respiring noisily. As he made his exit Flamby carefully closed the door, and "Oh," she cried, "what a funny old man! Whatever did he mean by hahsma?" "I have been struggling with the same problem," declared Don, "and I have come to the conclusion that he referred to asthma."

Lord Douglas had leaned back on the ottoman, and, respiring heavily, seemed to breathe a little from the exertion of his long discourse. But while he rested, his large, piercing eyes were constantly turned to Jane, who, leaning back on the cushion, was staring thoughtfully into the empty air, and seemed to be entirely forgetful of her father's presence.

"Cabrion!!!" cried M. Pipelet, respiring and inhaling the air with inexpressible satisfaction, as if he had been relieved from an enormous weight. "He leaves France forever forever for perpetuity in fine, he is gone." "You are very sure of it?"

Large routes are rare, and not at all suited to the tastes of the French people; who comment with merriment, if not with ridicule, on the evening parties in London, where the rooms being too small to contain half the guests invited, the stairs and ante-rooms are filled by a crowd, in which not only the power of conversing, but almost of respiring is impeded.