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All the tumors had been reabsorbed by her body and were no longer visible, her heart was able to support normal activity such as walking, and nonstrenuous household chores, and her diabetes had corrected itself to the point that she no longer required insulin and was able to control her blood sugar with diet.

You must be reabsorbed in the Unity." "But how?" "Concentrate your thought on God. Forget yourself." "I will try, dear Master," said I. "But tell me what you saw." "What I saw and learnt up there it is impossible to communicate by word of mouth." But I entreated him sore, and ere we had parted for the night he delivered himself as follows, speaking of these divine things in Hebrew:

Even so, is not to pray the greatest of all pleasures?" "To pray?" I repeated wonderingly. "Nay, methinks it is a heavy burden to get through our volumes of prayer." "A burden!" cried the old man. "A burden to enter into relation with God, to be reabsorbed into the divine unity. Nay, 'tis a bliss as of bridegroom with bride. Whoso does not feel this joy of union this divine kiss has not prayed."

Still more remarkable were the changes wrought among the neighbors in their attitude toward O'Day. Until then they had, in their independent fashion, treated him like any of the other men who came in and out their several stores, pleased with his interest in the business, but quickly forgetting him as they became reabsorbed in the affairs of the day.

The primitive doctrine of Creation was soon supplanted by the pagan theory of Emanation. The Indian Brahm is the first and only Substance, infinite, absolute, indeterminate Being, from which all is evolved, manifested, developed, and to which all returns and is reabsorbed.

He lit her candle and kissed her, and Dorothea went up the broad staircase to her own room. Half-way along the corridor she stayed a moment to look down upon the hall. Endymion had dropped his newspaper and was yawning; a sure sign that Narcissus, already reabsorbed in the Itinerary, would in a few moments be hurried from it to bed.

At the same time that the urinary branch of absorbents, in the beginning of diabetes, is excited into inverted action, the cellular branch is excited by the sympathy above mentioned, into more energetic action; and the fat, that was before deposited, is reabsorbed and thrown into the blood vessels; where it floats, and was mistaken for chyle, till the late experiments of the ingenious Mr.

This program continued for a month during which the tumors were being reabsorbed by the body, including the large, extremely hard tumor sticking out the flesh of the right breast. Ethyl complained of severe pain as the large tumor in her breast shrank.

Notwithstanding care be taken to promote personal cleanliness by daily ablutions, if the ventilation of beds and clothing be neglected, and perspiration be suffered to accumulate in them, it may be reabsorbed, and, passing again into the circulation, produce all the mischief of which I have before spoken. THE TEETH. I have already spoken of the relation the teeth sustain to digestion.

Their secretion on the skin is termed insensible perspiration, which in health is in part reabsorbed by the mouths of the lymphatics, and in part evaporated in the air; the secretion on the membranes, which line the larger cavities of the body, which have external openings, as the mouth and intestinal canal, is termed mucus, but is not however coagulable by heat; and the secretion on the membranes of those cavities of the body, which have no external openings, is called lymph or water, as in the cavities of the cellular membrane, and of the abdomen; this lymph however is coagulable by the heat of boiling water.