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When such a collection is reabsorbed, it is not always returned into the circulation; but the same irritation that stimulates one lymphatic branch to reabsorb the deposited fluid, inverts the urinary branch, and pours it into the bladder. Hence this mucilaginous diabetes is a cure, or the consequence of a cure, of a worse disease, rather than a disease itself. Dr.

From the beginning of puberty to the beginning of senile decay, the stallion derives from the testes what is referred to above as an internal secretion. Physiologists have endeavored to determine exactly what substance formed by the testes is reabsorbed into the lymph and blood.

XXI. on Drunkenness. At this time also, as the blood-vessels become replete with chyle, more urine is separated into the bladder, and less of it is reabsorbed; more mucus poured into the cellular membranes, and less of it reabsorbed; the pulse becomes fuller, and softer, and in general quicker.

Clearly, this group is not representative of the average breast cancer case. Hygienic therapy for cancer is a radical idea these days and tends to attract younger people, or older, desperate people who have already been through the works. In every one of my simple cases the tumors were reabsorbed by the body during the thirty days of water fasting and the client left happy. Except one.

The Free-soil party, with John P. Hale as its candidate, did make a vigorous attack upon the Fugitive Slave Act, and opposed all compromises respecting slavery, but Free-Boilers had been to a large extent reabsorbed into the Democratic party, their vote of 1852 being only about half that of 1848.

In opposition to the old writers who were inclined to regard the semen as an excretion which it was beneficial to expel, there were other ancient authorities who argued that it was beneficial to retain it as being a vital fluid which, if reabsorbed, served to invigorate the body.

Their Parallels in the Past Now by such tests as these what future may one anticipate for such cults as we have been studying? Are they likely to displace the historic forms of Christianity, will they substantially modify it, or will they wear away and be reabsorbed? Evidently one of these three things must happen.

In the former case, where the mouths of the cutaneous lymphatics become torpid or quiescent, the fluid secreted on the skin ceases to be absorbed, and erodes the skin by its saline acrimony, and produces eruptions termed herpes, the discharge from which is as salt, as the tears, which are secreted too fast to be reabsorbed, as in grief, or when the puncta lacrymalia are obstructed, and which running down the cheek redden and inflame the skin.