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The size, or coagulable lymph, which appears on the blood, is probably an increased secretion from the inflamed internal lining of the whole arterial system, the thinner part being taken away by the increased absorption of the inflamed lymphatics.

M. Brocchière, a French manufacturer, has lately extended these economical processes so far, as to attempt to produce concentrated food from the blood of cattle. He dries up the liquid or serous portions of the blood, and forms into a cake, with admixture of other substances, the coagulable portion, which contains fibrin, the source of flesh and muscle.

It is observed, however, that persons with what the Phrenologists call "good heads" are more prone than others toward plenary belief in the doctrine. It is so hard to prove a negative, that, if a man should assert that the moon was in truth a green cheese, formed by the coagulable substance of the Milky Way, and challenge me to prove the contrary, I might be puzzled.

I had not the opportunity to try if this urine would coagulate over the fire, when part of it was evaporated, which I imagine would be the criterion of this kind of diabetes; as the mucilaginous fluid deposited in the cells and cysts of the body, which have no communication with the external air, seems to acquire, by stagnation, this property of coagulation by heat, which the secreted mucus of the intestines and bladder do not appear to possess; as I have found by experiment: and if any one should suppose this coagulable urine was separated from the blood by the kidneys, he may recollect, that in the most inflammatory diseases, in which the blood is most replete or most ready to part with the coagulable lymph, none of this appears in the urine.

The synocha sensitiva, or sensitive fever with strong pulse, is generally attended with some topical inflammation, as in peripneumony, hepatitis, and is accompanied with much coagulable lymph, or size; which rises to the surface of the blood, when taken into a bason, as it cools; and which is believed to be the increased mucous secretion from the coats of the arteries, inspissated by a greater absorption of its aqueous and saline part, and perhaps changed by its delay in the circulation.

In the same manner the calcareous matter of gouty concretions, the coagulable lymph deposited on inflamed membranes in rheumatism and extravasated blood become absorbed; which are all as solid and as indissoluble materials as the new vessels produced in inflammation.

The nutritious quality of the liquid, which surrounds the fetus, appears from the following considerations. 1. It is coagulable by heat, by nitrous acid, and by spirit of wine, like milk, serum of blood, and other fluids, which daily experience evinces to be nutritious. 2.

Hence in all those constitutions or diseases where the blood contains a greater proportion of serum, which is the lightest part of its composition, the pulsations of the arteries are weaker, as in nervous fevers, chlorosis, and hysteric complaints; for in these cases the momentum of the progressive particles of blood is less: and hence, where the denser parts of its composition abound, as the red part of it, or the coagulable lymph, the arterial pulsations are stronger; as in those of robust health, and in inflammatory diseases.

This milk it cannot digest because the emulsifying element, the fat, is not present in it in sufficient quantity in proportion to the coagulable matter. We must not forget either that the difference in coagulation holds also with respect to difference in the age and in the kind of animal.

It is generally believed to succeed the acute rheumatism of the same part, and that some coagulable lymph, or cretaceous, or calculous material, has been left on the membrane; which gives pain, when the muscles move over it, as some extraneous body would do, which was too insoluble to be absorbed.