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Long experience has demonstrated it to be an agent of superior digestibility. It is, indeed, a true milk peptone that is, milk already partly digested, the coagulation of the coagulable portion being loose and flaky, and not of that firm indigestible nature which is the result of the action of the gastric juice upon cow's sweet milk.

Their secretion on the skin is termed insensible perspiration, which in health is in part reabsorbed by the mouths of the lymphatics, and in part evaporated in the air; the secretion on the membranes, which line the larger cavities of the body, which have external openings, as the mouth and intestinal canal, is termed mucus, but is not however coagulable by heat; and the secretion on the membranes of those cavities of the body, which have no external openings, is called lymph or water, as in the cavities of the cellular membrane, and of the abdomen; this lymph however is coagulable by the heat of boiling water.

It is observed, however, that persons with what the Phrenologists call "good heads" are more prone than others toward plenary belief in the doctrine. It is so hard to prove a negative, that, if a man should assert that the moon was in truth a green cheese, formed by the coagulable substance of the Milky Way, and challenge me to prove the contrary, I might be puzzled.

The formation of the clot and the separation of the serum is due almost entirely to the action of this substance. Fibrinogen is for this reason called the coagulable constituent of the blood. In the plasma the fibrinogen is in a liquid form; but during coagulation it changes into a white, stringy solid, called fibrin. This appears in the clot and is the cause of its formation.

There was general softening of the tissues, particularly on the affected side. The blood was black and very fluid, not coagulable. The ventricles of the brain were filled with a large amount of serum; the brain was somewhat congested. The lungs were healthy, with the exception of a few crude tubercles of recent formation on the left side.

This is the first proof of the importance of fatty matters for the alimentation of babes. Let us turn to the second. At birth, when the milk is still in a state of colostrum, the fluid contains a variable quantity of albumen coagulable by heat, much less caseine, and an excess of butter and sugar.

We cannot, however, ignore the immediate influence of the medium, on recalling the facts above named, or on remembering the further fact that an inflamed surface of skin, when not sheltered from the air, will throw out a film of coagulable lymph. But that the direct action of the medium is a chief factor we are clearly shown by another case.

There were several cysts, and they appeared as though the inflammation attacked only the different lobes of the lungs, leaving others healthy between, Nature throwing out coagulable lymph around the diseased lobe, and forming thereby an air-tight cyst, cutting around the diseased lobe by suppuration, so that it could be carried off by absorption.

It is observed, however, that persons with what the Phrenologists call "good heads" are more prone than others toward plenary belief in the doctrine. It is so hard to prove a negative, that, if a man should assert that the moon was in truth a green cheese, formed by the coagulable substance of the Milky Way, and challenge me to prove the contrary, I might be puzzled.

Less of that animal matter which is coagulable by acids and by the absorption of atmospheric oxygen, is found in it. It is no doubt occasioned by the caoutchouc, which is not yet separated, and which forms one mass with the albumen and the caseum, as the butter and the caseum in animal milk.