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Graye is the proper man to go on the errand. 'Stay; I'll telegraph to ask them to meet me when I arrive at the terminus, said Owen; 'that is, if their train has not already arrived. Mr. Raunham pulled out his pocket-book again. 'The two-thirty train reached Southampton a quarter of an hour ago, he said. It was too late to catch them at the station.

'We must leave this place if Raunham suspects what I think he does, he said. 'The request of Cytherea and her brother may simply be for a satisfactory proof, to make her feel legally free but it may mean more. 'What may it mean? 'How should I know? 'Well, well, never mind, old boy, she said, approaching him to make up the quarrel.

She arose to depart, first sending a message of thanks to Mr. Raunham, who was out of doors gardening. He stuck his spade into the ground, and accompanied her to the gate. 'Can I help you in anything, Cytherea? he said, using her Christian name by an intuition that unpleasant memories might be revived if he called her Miss Graye after wishing her good-bye as Mrs. Manston at the wedding.

The writers, with scarcely an exception, dwelt forcibly upon a feature which had at first escaped the observation of the villagers, including Mr. Raunham that if the announcement of the man Chinney were true, it seemed extremely probable that Mrs.

Anne came home from church that morning, and told me of the suspicious way in which a young man had looked at her there. Nothing could be done beyond waiting the issue of events. Then the letter came from Raunham. For the first time in my life I was half indifferent as to what fate awaited me. During the succeeding day I thought once or twice of running away, but could not quite make up my mind.

'After thanking God, on first entering my house, on the night of the fire at Carriford, for my release from bondage to a woman I detested, I went, a second time, to the scene of the disaster, and, finding that nothing could be done by remaining there, shortly afterwards I returned home again in the company of Mr. Raunham.

I was believed to have gone to the rectory with Mr. Raunham. The other was disinclined to go, and the first went off alone. 'It was now about three o'clock. He had advanced as far as the shrubbery, which grows near the north wall of the house, when he fancied he heard, above the rush of the waterfall, noises on the other side of the building.

Was she wise in her request? Holding her present belief, and with no definite evidence either way, she could, for one thing, never conscientiously marry any one else. Suppose that Cytherea were Manston's wife i.e., that the first wife was really burnt? The adultery of Manston would be proved, and, Mr. Raunham thought, cruelty sufficient to bring the case within the meaning of the statute.

'Who are you? he said to the woman, mechanically. It was bad policy now to attempt disguise. 'I am the supposed Mrs. Manston, she said. 'Who are you? 'I am the officer employed by Mr. Raunham to sift this mystery which may be criminal. He stretched his limbs, pressed his head, and seemed gradually to awake to a sense of having been incautious in his utterance.

There was in Edward's bearing that entire unconsciousness of himself which, natural to wild animals, only prevails in a sensitive man at moments of extreme intentness. The rector saw that he had no trivial story to communicate, whatever the story was. 'Sit down, said Mr. Raunham.