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'Mine's this doll not the biggest one, the one in pink with clothes that you can take off, said Elsie; 'and this tea set; and this needlecase for Mother. Little Freddie had let go his hold of Elsie, to whom he usually clung tightly and was clapping his hands and chuckling with delight and desire. 'Gee-gee? he cried eagerly. 'Gee-gee. Pwetty Gee-gee! Fweddy want gee-gee!

"Buon Giorno." "Geordie, come and have ickle talk," she said. "Me want 'oo wise man to advise ickle Lucia." "What 'oo want?" asked Georgie, now quite quelled for the moment. "Lots-things. Here's pwetty flower for button-holie. Now tell me about black man. Him no snakes have? Why Mrs Quantock say she thinks he no come to poo' Lucia's party-garden?"

With just the same fearless confidence as, half an hour before, she had gone up to Greased Lightning she now approached Pole Star. "You's pwetty, you's a darlin'," she said. She held out her tiny brown hand. "Give me a bit of sugar, somebody," she demanded. A girl who stood near ran away to fetch a lump. The child offered it to the horse.

The tall grass drooped over two brown beaten paths that horses feet had worn, and a tender green light lay over all. But where was the sweet river hiding? Another meeting of cross roads. Tot looked this way, that. Ah, there it was over the road! Over the meadow. Gleaming, gliding, Sugar River, at last. "I fought I sood det to it pwetty soon," murmured Tot, triumphantly.

Diana was only too willing to be attired in a flimsy skirt of white tarlatan, which stuck out from her little figure; she also wore wings on her shoulders, and her black hair was rendered gay with bows of crimson ribbon. She felt quite excited and pleased with herself. "I spects I look awfu' pwetty," she said. "I'd like to see my own self in a looking-glass.

The handsome Creole's face was aglow with the pure delight of existence. "Well, Mistoo Itchlin, 'ow you enjoyin' that watah? As fah as myseff am concerned, 'I am afloat, I am afloat on the fee-us 'olling tide. I don't think you fine that stweet pwetty dusty to-day, Mistoo Itchlin?" Richling laughed. "It don't inflame my eyes to-day," he said.

Once or twice, during the next few days, Tot asked preserving that singular reticence regarding her illusions, so common to children to be taken to Sugar River; but grandpapa was busy haying, and grandmamma said: "Will will come pretty soon and he will take you." "When is pwetty soon!" asked Tot, in hopeless tones. Susie was seven, so very safe company for little four-year-old Tot.