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He begins by purging away the realistic notion of Virtue, considered as a self-existing entity. He defines it a term expressing the relation of certain actions to certain emotions in the minds contemplating them; its universality is merely co-extensive with these minds.

=Aconitine= varies much in activity according to its mode of preparation and the source from which it is derived. The most active kind is probably made from A. ferox. Contains the glucoside digitalin and other active principles. Symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, purging, and abdominal pains. Vomited matter grass-green in colour.

The first the son of Apollo, worshipped in Arcadia, who invented the probe and bandages for wounds; the second the brother of Mercury, killed by lightning; and the third the son of Arsippus Arsione, who first taught the art of tooth-drawing and purging. Others make Aesculapius an Egyptian, King of Memphis, antecedent by a thousand years to the Aesculapius of the Greeks.

Gallantly he dives, below thought, beyond Wisdom, to rise again as high above these as he had first descended. Wisdom is righteous and clean, but Love is unclean and holy. I sing of the beast and the descent: the great unclean purging itself in fire: the thought that is not born in the measure or the ice or the head, but in the feet and the hot blood and the pulse of fury.

It is not surprising that the Tribunate, despite the recent purging of its most independent members, judged liberty and equality to be endangered by the method of defence now proposed.

I didn't kill Arnold Rivers. I hated his guts, and I think whoever did it ought to get a medal and a testimonial dinner, but I did not kill him. You believe me?" "I'm inclined to," Rand replied. "In your law practice, you know what a lying client is letting himself in for. As my client, you wouldn't lie to me. You seem to think you may be suspected of purging Rivers. But why?

His name is still associated with bleeding and purging, and if we considered only some of his written assertions, made with the violence which opposition always aroused in his positive nature, we should pause in wonder at his great reputation. But what a man says or writes, and what he does, are often far apart.

He gives it hypodermically, 15 minims at the first dose and 5 minims subsequently, until the systolic pressure is reduced to 140 or less. He admits that this is rather strenuous treatment. He does not speak of treatment by thyroid extracts, which has been regarded as valuable by some other workers. In these patients who show eclamptic symptoms, he maintains a milk diet, and purging and sweating.

I should by no means give a physic-ball, or a grain of calomel, in simple diarrhoea. I should fear the establishment of that species of purging which is next to be described. The castor-oil mixture usually affords the best hope of success. Habitual diarrhoea is not an unfrequent disease in petted dogs: in some it is constitutional, in others it is the effect of neglected constipation.

Congress, which had already admitted the Georgia representatives, refused to receive the senators and turned the state back to military control. In 1869-70, Georgia was again reconstructed after a drastic purging of the legislature by the military commander, the reseating of the Negro members, and the ratification of both the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.