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=Sunstroke.= The person loses consciousness and falls down insensible; the body temperature may be 112° F., the pulse is full, and a peculiar pungent odour is given off from the skin. Treatment consists in lowering the body temperature by application of cold cloths, stimulants, strychnine or digitalin hypodermically.

He lifted his head, looked around him, and was just going to switch off the light, when he noticed the open book on his table. He went to shut it up. "It must be ever remembered that digitalin is a cumulative poison, and that the same dose, harmless if taken once, yet frequently repeated becomes deadly; this peculiarity is shared by all poisons affecting the heart." He stood looking at the page.

=Aconitine= varies much in activity according to its mode of preparation and the source from which it is derived. The most active kind is probably made from A. ferox. Contains the glucoside digitalin and other active principles. Symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, purging, and abdominal pains. Vomited matter grass-green in colour.

Ether from the acid solution dissolves out colchicin, digitalin, cantharidin, and picrotoxin, and traces of veratrine and atropine. Separate the ethereal solution and evaporate. Hot water will now dissolve out picrotoxin, colchicin, and digitalin, but not cantharidin.

Give chloride of ammonium in 30 grain doses to prevent delirium; strychnine or digitalin hypodermically. Method of Extraction from the Stomach. Neutralize the contents of the stomach, if acid, with sodium carbonate; place them in a retort and carefully distil. Collect the distillate, mix with chloride of calcium or anhydrous sulphate of copper, and again distil.

Emetics freely; infusions containing tannin, as coffee, tea, oak-bark, galls, etc. Stimulants. Hypodermic injection of 1/120 grain of aconitine. Method of Extraction from the Stomach, etc. Use Stas-Otto process. Tests for Digitalin. A white substance, sparingly soluble in water, not changed by nitric acid; turns yellow, changing to green, with hydrochloric acid.

The minutest trace of digitalin moistened with sulphuric and treated with bromine vapour gives a rose colour, turning to mauve. This is very delicate, but in experienced hands the physiological test is more reliable. The chemist who has had no practical experience in pharmacological methods would be wiser to keep to his chemical tests.

I dashed into the laboratory, almost broke open the cabinet, and seized the bottle of digitalin and a hypodermic syringe, then rushed madly out again and into the car. Meanwhile some of the guests had lifted up Kennedy, too excited to notice Long Sin in his hiding-place. They had laid Craig down on a couch and were endeavoring to revive him.

With breezy fatherliness which inspirited Una, he spoke of the possible presence of pneumococcus, of doing magic things with Romer's serum, of trusting in God, of the rain, of cold baths and digitalin. He patted Una's head and cheerily promised to return at dawn. He yawned and smiled at himself.

Finally Kennedy's eyes opened and gradually his breathing seemed to become more normal. The antidote had been given in time. Kennedy was considerably broken up by the narrow escape which he had had, and, naturally, even the next morning, did not feel like himself. In the excitement of leaving Elaine's we had forgotten the bottle of digitalin.