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Leslie and I both looked through the microscope, comparing the starch grains which Kennedy had discovered with those of scores of micro-photographs which lay scattered over the table. "There are several treatments for aconite poisoning," ruminated Kennedy. "I would say that one of the latest and best is digitalin given hypodermically."

Strychnia, brucia, ignatia, calabarin, woovarin, atropin, digitalin, and many others, including all whose effect is most tremendous upon the human system, are in this group. Not without insight did the early discoverers call nitrogen azote, "the foe to life."

As for myself, I had been so overjoyed at seeing my old friend restored that I would have forgotten anything. Kennedy looked rather wan and peaked, but insisted on going to the laboratory as usual. "Do you remember what became of the bottle of digitalin?" he asked, fumbling in the closet. Mechanically I felt in my own pockets; it was not there. I shook my head.

On the stone coping, slowly and laboriously, he moved his finger. "What's the matter, old man?" I asked, bending over him. There was no answer, but he managed to turn his head, and I followed the direction of his eyes. With trembling finger he was tracing out, one by one, some letters. I looked and it flashed over me what he meant. He had written with the water: "Digitalin lab "

The symptoms closely resemble those of aniline poisoning, but there is perhaps greater mental confusion. Fatal Dose. Eight to ten drops have caused death. Treatment. Emetics, stimulants, transfusion of saline or blood, pituitrin, strychnine, or digitalin hypodermically. Throbbing and pulsation of all the arteries in the body; flushing of the face and collapse may follow.

He took down a bottle of digitalin from a cabinet, adding, "only it was too late in this case." Just what the relations were between Long Sin and the Chong Wah Tong I have never been able to determine exactly.