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Updated: August 24, 2024

And then he proceeded, with occasional prompting from the better-informed Ahenobarbus, to point out the location of Drusus's estate, and the character and habits of the man whom Dumnorix was cheerfully proposing to put out of the way. Dumnorix assented and bade him go on, with hoarse grunts; and when the Greek had concluded, growled out in his barbarous Latin: "But why all this pother?

I had a young daughter, who, in the then condition of my health, was quite likely to be left in tender years without a father, and I very much desired to protect her in the little property I might be able to leave.... I believe this law originated with Judge Fine, without any outside prompting.

A spirit voice seems perpetually enjoining me to cleave to him as a wife; telling me that I must do so, and that unless I do there is no further, or other life possible for me here below. And I obey this voice, which I believe to be the mysterious prompting of Providence."

Their flummery about the existence of a jealous feeling is discreditable to the minds inventing and prompting it for their own private ends." Evidently the editor of the Perth paper had had a bad time of it, for further on we find him still more bitter against any communication being opened up with the sister colony.

A generosity that might almost be called romantic was obviously the feeling prompting sundry of those courses of action which have been commented upon as errors.

Thus, throughout the entire scheme of spiritual blessings, reaching from the opening promise of a Saviour to the incarnation; and from the incarnation to the judgment; and onward to eternity, everything is done systematically. This is the result of the unchanging principles of the Divine Mind. They grow with a steady heat, equally prompting him to activity at every moment.

Pity for the soul going out into the Great Unknown, lonely, unsatisfied, craving something which it seemed that only she could supply. She fell on her knees beside the bed, and laid her warm hands on the frail white ones which were growing cold, so cold. She felt some one remove her hat, and then again came the prompting insistent voice at her elbow. "Call him! Call him! Francis!"

He had walked for two hours when he entered the wood of his neighbor's estate, a domain seldom honored by him, as it, too, had been bought by an American a flighty hunting widow, who displeased the fastidious taste of the author. He heard children's voices, and turned with the quick prompting of retreat. As he did so, he came face to face, on the narrow path, with a little girl.

Or so he had believed at the time. But in all these episodes of the past there had been something definitely physical, something almost horribly natural, a prompting of the body, the kind of thing which belongs to youth, any youth, and which any doctor could explain in a few crude words.

We observe in her no prompting of enthusiasm, of sympathetic charitableness, or of religious scrupulousness, that is, none of those grand moral impulses which are characteristic of Christian piety, and which were predominant in St. Louis.

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